-Chapter 43-

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Achieving Unbroken
Chapter Forty Three

"What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to let someone see right through"
i love you | Billie Eilish

[Sunday, August 1st, 2018]

"Mom?" I call out into the house as soon as I'm through the front door.

"Lilla?" She yells back. Seconds later, she joins me in the entryway, arms open for a hug. We embrace, and I soak in the feeling of getting to be home and sleep in my own bed.

God bless.

"How was it?" Mom asks me as we pull away, grabbing my bag to bring it up to my room as I get settled back in.

"It was awesome! Vince's house was great, the food was great, and the beach was amazing as always. The only bump in the road was Bianca and Shayla showing up, but I got through unscathed."

Mom looks back at me to shoot me a disgusted look.

"How did those two end up at the house?"

"They were invited," I sigh, reaching the top of the stairs.


"They claimed to want to make amends, but they really just got on my ass about Jason again."

"God," Mom hisses. "Don't those two have their own shit to worry about?"

"You would think." I plop down on my bed, relishing in the smell of the fabric softener that we use and the familiarity of my own pillow. She comes and positions herself on the other end of my bed, facing me. "In other news, Ally wants to make up."

"Are you gonna talk to her?"

I shrug.

"Yeah. She sounded really sorry when she texted Piper and I. She didn't come to the beach for a reason, because she knew we wouldn't want her there. It doesn't mean we'll be besties again, but I wanna hear what she has to say."

"People show you what they're capable of," my mom scolds. I roll my eyes, having heard this same speech since fourth grade. "Tread carefully if you're going to be so forgiving."

"I know, Mom," I groan. "It's not like I'm forgiving the whole lot of them. Shayla and Bianca still have some sort of distorted view on the situation. But if Ally is truly remorseful, I don't think it would hurt to have her back."

"Okay. Just remember."

I nod, hoping to change the subject. Luckily, my mom does that for me.

"So, what else? Update on Jason?"

I was only gone for around five days, but everything that's happened with Jason washes over me like a months worth of events.

"Oh my gosh, so much happened."

"Well, tell me!"

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