-Chapter 20-

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Achieving Unbroken
Chapter Twenty

"Don't you think that it's boring how people talk;
Making smart with their words again,
Well I'm bored"
Tennis Court | Lorde

[Monday, May 20th, 2018 - Lunch]

Walking into the cafeteria and not avoiding everyone's eyes is a newer feeling for me. People stare, I don't stare back, but I do keep my head up and walk around with confidence. According to Lilla, it makes me seem like less of a loner. I haven't found any proof to support or trash this theory.

After going through the lunch line, I start meandering through crowds of people to the table, wondering why I can't see Lilla.

"Jason!" I hear behind me. Piper's small frame jogs to catch up with me, and she smiles up at me. There's a solid foot of height difference between us, so she cranes her next to look up at me and I have to significantly stare down at her.

"Hey, Piper." I look around, expecting to see Lilla rush in behind Piper; see her smile at me and bring us to the lunch table. My search comes up empty.

"She's with Maxwell," Piper answers for me. I give her a questioning look. "He texted her in first, and I told her to go. She needed to talk to him anyway." She begins to walk past me and continue on to the table, so I turn and walk next to her. "So, that means it's just us today. Well, obviously the rest of the guys and this girl named Raquel who is a new friend, but you know what I meant."

No Lilla? Why would she need to talk to Maxwell?

Is it about me?

Is it about their relationship?

Why didn't she tell me?

A stream of half valid, half idiotic thoughts circle my mind after Piper tells me where Lilla is. I mentally slap myself for being such a needy little puppy, and tell myself that I need to take this lunch to establish myself in the group.

Lilla would be proud.

Stop going back to Lilla, dumbass.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I hope everything is good with Lilla and Maxwell," I offer, trying to be cool.

Literally oh my god you just brought her up have a normal conversation!!!??

"So, what class did you just have?" She looks up at me and smiles at my effort. Well, at least she finds it endearing, if nothing else.

"I was in Business and Marketing," she groans. Looking down, I raise an eyebrow; from the way that Lilla talks about her, she's more of the spunky artist-type. "My parents made me take it." I nod.

"Understandable." Piper shrugs, looking down.

"Where were you?" She suddenly asks.

"Physics," I sigh, thinking about my slowly decreasing grade. I've been studying my ass off, credits to Carl and his eagerness to help me, and we have a test tomorrow that could make or break me.

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