-Chapter 50-

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Achieving Unbroken
Chapter Fifty

"I hope that you spend your days,
But they all add up
And when that sun goes down,
I hope you raise your cup"
I Lived | OneRepublic

[Monday, October 23rd, 2018]

I had the instant feeling that today was going to be weird.

It started with this morning, when I got to school and didn't see Lilla at the table in the cafeteria that we normally sit at. In fact, she wasn't in the cafeteria at all.

Me: Late start?

As clingy as this sounds, I was just curious as to where she is.

Knowing that it might take her a minute to respond, I left the cafeteria and walked to the building across the courtyard where our library is. I was going to print out an essay for my social sciences class that was due tomorrow, since I had the time.

But when I entered, and headed over to the computer lab, I saw her.

With Charlie.

I quickly ducked behind a bookshelf before I was noticed, but I was close enough to eavesdrop.

"I need to tell him, Lilla. I know I did a lot, but I need him to know—"

"Charlie, he's dead. That should be closure enough for you, but if you tell Jason this, he won't ever have that closure."

My immediate thought was what the fuck? Because first of all, why would Charlie want to talk to me? Second, why were they talking about me and Joey?

I was very confused, to say the least. And maybe a little worried that they were talking, and maybe Charlie was trying to rope Lilla into something she didn't want to do?


"Charlie, you know what the right choice is here. I'm done arguing."

Lilla left after that. Seconds later, Charlie did too.

And I was left with the nagging question in my brain of what the hell I wasn't in on.

Lilla was kind of awkward for the rest of the day, being short with me and getting panicky whenever I questioned her about what was going on.

I continued to do so in math, doing my best to avoid getting caught.

Me: If there's something wrong, you know you can tell me, right?

Lilly: Ofc I know that. Nothings wrong.

Me: Just an off day, then?

Lilly: Wdym

Me: Lilly, I know you and I know when somethings up.

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