-Chapter 32-

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Achieving Unbroken
Chapter Thirty Two

"You plus me, that's enough
Put it all down on a good thing
Don't you want to know what you're missing?"
123 | Jess Glynne

[Monday, July 11th, 2018]

"I'm bored," Piper announces, throwing a tube of hand lotion up in the air from her position laying on my bed. From the floor, I look up from my phone. I turn down the song playing from the portable speaker; God Is A Woman by Ariana Grande.

"Me too. I just don't know what we could do! Nothing is on TV in the middle of the day, we already have done so much Netflix binging, we've already gone to the theater to see Incredibles 2 three separate times and that drained our wallets so we can't go to the mall. We could just... Get dolled up, make the short drive downtown and walk around?"

The song changes; Fuck A Silver Lining by Panic! At The Disco.

Piper groans, rolling over onto her stomach.

"It's so hot. 10 minutes walking around and we would melt onto the pavement."

I tilt my head back until I feel it gently hit my dresser that I am leaning against. Looking up at the ceiling of my room, I try to think of something that wouldn't make Piper and I turn into a puddle of sweat.

"What's Jason doing?" Her voice breaks through my thoughts.

"Football practice," I exhale. I run my right hand through my hair, changing its part line so that it is flipped over, and prop my head on my knees that are curled to my chest.

Jason has been at football practice since around nine... And he gets out a little before two. Bringing my phone in front of my face, I click it on and see that it is 1:17 PM. He will be done soon, so I can text him now and he will read it later...?

"If we hang out with him after practice, do you want him to bring a friend?" Piper props her head in her hand, sitting up.

"You say that like you two will be making out right in front of me and I'll be third wheeling like a maniac."

"You won't, but still."

She waves a hand in a careless gesture, plopping herself back onto my bed.

"'Kay. I'll tell him to bring someone. Where should we go to eat?"

"I literally don't care. Couldn't care if I tried."

With a silent chuckle and an eye roll, I pull up Jason's contact and shoot him a quick message:

Me: Heyyyyyy Ik ik ur at practice and I hope it's going well! Piper thinks we should hang so go shower, grab a teammate and meet us @ the Barn? Or the Honey Bear, we haven't decided what we want so plz help us

"What'd you say?" Piper asks after seeing me tap away on my phone screen. I hand over the device so she can read the text. "God, Lil, desperate much?"

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