Chapter 7

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At about midnight Xavier decided that it was time to leave. Since I didn't do much talking, I passed the time by drinking champagne and he didn't want me to embarrass him by being drunk.

We got back into his car and he drove me back home in silence. When we arrived I got out the car and so did he. He walked me to my door, looking like he wanted to say something.

"Thanks for driving me," I say.

"And thank you for being my fiancé," he says quietly.

I gasp loudly, "Is the Xavier King saying thank you to a measly assistant." I joke. A hint of a smile appears on his face, but he ruins it by talking.

"I understand you must be tired so you can have tomorrow off, but Wednesday I need you back at work, to secure the Australian deal." he orders.

"What if someone asks at the office?"

"Try to deny it. Say that it's someone else, I didn't tell anyone your surname, and there was no paparazzi allowed at the event." He says.

"Yeah, I already bitched a lot about you to so no one's going to believe it anyway." He gives me a look, by which I instantly regret telling her that, but then nods. He walks back to his car but doesn't get in and I ask him why.

"I'm a gentleman, Miss Davis." he smirks "I will wait till your inside, safely." I just roll my eyes and knock on the door. I wait for a few minutes but Jasmine hasn't opened it.

She didn't let me take my keys since then I would have to have carry a purse which would 'ruin the look'. 

I knock again, louder, but to no avail. I peek through the glass part of the door to see that Jasmine has passed out on the couch and groaned. She slept like a pig and there was no chance she was going to wake up.

"Just one second," I say to Xavier, who's looking at me with amusement. I see that a window by the door was open and sighed, knowing what I had to do.

I took my heels off and threw them through the window, wincing as the gravel pricked my toes. Xavier just looked at me like I was some alien.

"You can go now." I tell him, I didn't want him to see what I was about to do.

"I wanna see this Lia," I groan.

I place on foot onto the windowsill, thanking God that my dress had a slit. I jumped boosting myself up to get into the house through the window. Unfortunately, knowing my luck, my footing slipped and I fell. I landed on my back inside the bathroom.

My legs were still over the windowsill, in the air, and my dress dropped down onto my face, revealing my legs over the window. I quickly pulled them down and scrambled back onto my feet. I popped my head out the window to see Xavier with a trace of a smile on his face.

"I'm in the house now. Bye!"  I say to him, the ground should just open up and swallow me.

"You are something else, Lia." he murmurs, driving off.

After I see his car leave my block, I drag myself to my bedroom. I fall back onto my bed and sigh. After a couple moments I slip out of my dress and put it away in my closet, I wash my makeup off and go into the living room.

I wake up Jasmine, who's sleeping on the couch, knowing if she slept there too long her neck would start aching.

"Hey Mel," she yawned.

"I have a lot to tell you but for now go to your room and sleep." I smile softly.

"I was waiting for you, dumbass." She grumbled to herself, whilst walking to her room.

I also went back to my room and opened my closet. I pushed my clothes and picked up the photo frame, with a picture of me and my mum.

"Hey momma.." I whispered to the picture "I went on my first date yesterday." And I tell her all about my date with Jayden.

"Also I was a fake fiancé for a billionaire today," I laughed through tears. Knowing that if my mum was there she would have probably laughed with me.

Tear drops fall onto the frame. My mum had passed away. I missed her every day and a moment didn't go past when I didn't think of her.

I took a paper towel and wiped away my tear drops off the frame and my face. I placed the frame back into my closet and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the commotion of Jasmine getting ready in the morning. I stretched in my bed before going to the bathroom and washing my face. I decided not to shower today since I don't wanna dry out my hair, and would prefer to have a relaxing shower tonight rather than a rushed one now. I washed my face and lounged around the house in my pyjamas.

I had nothing to do today so I decided to call Jayden. The phone rang for a bit before he picked up.

"Hey Amelia, what's up," he answered.

"I didn't have to go to work today so I was wondering if you were free to hang out?" I said nervously.

"Um.." he thought "I'm off for lunch at 1 so do you wanna meet at the café on Beagle Street."

"Okay sure, I'll see you in an hour." I say and hang up.

I get off the couch and decide to get ready. I put on blue skinny jeans and a cropped black hoodie along with black sneakers and a couple of silver bracelets. I put my hair in a high ponytail and decide to walk to café since I had time to kill.

I placed the earbuds into my ear and listened to some music whilst walking. When I arrived at the café I soon realised that this was the place where I slapped Xavier about a week ago. I smiled at the memory before sitting down at a table and waiting for Jayden.

After about five minutes I see Jayden enter the café. His eyes scan the café and when they rest on me I see a smile emerge onto his face.

"Hey," he says sitting on the seat opposite me.

I was about to speak when a waitress came to take our order. Jayden ordered a cappuccino and I ordered a pumpkin spice latte.

"I see your inner white girl shining," he jokes, when he hears my order.

I roll my eyes but smile anyway. We spent about an hour talking and joking around before Jayden had to go back to work. We both got up and walked out the restaurant. He stood in front of me, his brown eyes looking into mine.

He places his lips onto mine, giving me a small kiss before pulling away. His face has an immediate look of worry.

"I'm sorry if you weren't ready for that," he lets out.

"It's okay...I liked it." I say before going on my tip toes and planting another small kiss onto his lips.

He smiles before glancing at his watch, "Shit I gotta go." he says, I nod and we walk to his car where he kisses me goodbye once more.

I start walking back home when I see a familiar car parked behind Jayden's. It was Xavier's Porsche, and inside he was, staring at me as he was on the phone with someone else. 

I felt embarrassed, wondering if he saw me kiss Jayden. I liked to be private about these type of things.

I flashed him a quick smile and an awkward wave before speed walking away from there.


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