Chapter 9

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As we get into the car I see that Amelia was looking distressed but I decided not to address it. She was silent for the entire ride and I was beginning to suspect that it was something from the meeting.

As soon as I park the car back at the office she jumps out and rushes off. I want to follow her and find out but I restrain myself.

She intrigued me.

She wasn't afraid to be honest with me, she would talk back to me and insult me without even giving it a second of a thought.

She didn't care if she offended me and that's what made her the perfect person to be my 'fiancé'. If I had asked someone else she would have probably tried to seduce me or get feelings involved.

But the other night when she kissed me at the party I felt something weird stir inside me. I shake it off, it was nothing major and I didn't need to treat it like it was. 

She doesn't look stressed anymore as she was talking to the receptionist and I'm glad that I didn't have to even ask her. A small smile radiated off her face, she looked calm and pure.

I get to my office and get some work done when I see an email from Mr Russo. I open it to see he's requested a meeting.

I reply and we schedule a meeting at my office in an hour.

When he arrives Amelia escorts him to my office and gives me a thumbs up and mouths good luck before closing the door.

I smile internally, not showing it on the outside.

Her continual positive comments, her small smiles here and there went something went her way  - I was starting to get habituated to it all. 

"So Mr King," the meeting begins "I would like to make a different type of business deal with you."

"Go on," I say.

"I would like you to control my business in America. I'm getting old now, I want to stay in Italy peacefully with my family. These constant trips to the USA is bad for my health."

Mr Russo was a friend of my dad's and often visited us when I was young. My father was more interested in his business than his family, unlike Mr Russo who knew family came first.

I sat there dumbstruck for a moment, "Of course Mr Russo, it would be a pleasure."

"I know you child, you can show your excitement to me," he smiles and pats my back. I relax and let a small smile escape.

"This is an amazing opportunity, thank you." I admit.

"But I do have one condition." He says, holding his finger up as if to pause the happiness of the moment.

"Anything." I reply

"I will sign the contract at your wedding."

Oh fuck.

"Are you sure? We can sign it today, I'll still invite you to the wedding," I joke and try to change his mind.

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