Chapter 8

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The rest of the day went by in a blur and soon enough I was back in the office. I was sitting on my desk sorting out files when I hear a knock on my door.

"Miss Davis?" Xavier says "Can I come in?"

"Yeah." I yell out

"You need to talk to Mr Walker about the Australian deal, he expects a call at 2 pm."

"But what if he recognises my voice?" I say, not wanting to ruin this deal for Xavier's sake.

"You can tell him that you're my assistant, that is how we met Miss Davis." he says and walks out.

I pick up the phone ad ring Mr Walker, he picks up immediately.

"Good afternoon, this is King's Corporate speaking for Mr Walker," I say.

"Well if it isn't the future Mrs King," he replies. How the hell could he tell it was me?

"Good afternoon Mr Walker, I'm here to discuss the shipping of your products to the US from Australia." I say, sounding professional.

"Well, I am still in the US so I would rather discuss this in person, over lunch maybe?" he says, and I could just tell he had his ugly smirk on his face.

"Sure, Mr King is available tomorrow at from 2pm to 4pm," I say

"Oh I'm sorry did I not make it clear? I would like to have lunch with you Amelia, you are the one I discuss with." he says slyly.

"Oh of course," I say nervously  "I'll see you at 2pm tomorrow, please email me where you would like to meet." I quickly hang up before he has the chance to say anything.

I go to Xavier's office and knock. He gestures for me to come in through the door.

"Good afternoon Mr. King, I have some news." he just nods for me to continue talking. "Mr Walker would rather meet over lunch to discuss the shipment."

"Isn't that something you could've emailed me?" he says, whilst reading a file.

"Well he wants to meet me." I say nervously "since I'm convinced that he doesn't believe that our 'engagement' is real. " I say.

His head shoots up and he looks at me. His relaxed expression stiffens. "I see." he says. "Well you must go Miss Davis, it's an extremely important deal."

I shift awkwardly, "Are you sure no one can go in my place?" I say.

"I know that Mr Walker makes  you feel uncomfortable, therefore I will attend this lunch meeting with you," he says.

"Oh that's not necessary," I wave off awkwardly, I didn't want to be around Mr King if I didn't need to and pretending to be his fiancé again wouldn't help.

"It actually is quite perfect, we would show up as a couple, clearing any of his doubts about our engagement and I can discuss the deal with face to face." he explains. "Just remember to wear your ring and decent clothes."

"Alright sir, I'll email you the location and time," I say, giving up on the idea of me going without him. At lunch I go and find Jodie before telling her about Mr Walker.

"He's so creepy and he has this perverted face and---"

"Wait...what did you say his name was?" Jodie interrupts.

"Bradley Walker," I say, with a mouthful of chicken pasta.

She places her head into her hands out of embarrassment. "What happened?" I say, concerned.

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