Chapter 13

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After I arrived home I thanked the Uber driver and walked inside. I hung up my coat and took of my shoes.

"How'd it go?" Jasmine asked, sitting on the couch and sting Cheetos.

"Not good." I grumbled as I jumped on the couch next to her and grabbed the bag of Cheetos from her hand.

"Hey! That's mine." She snatched the bag back "Never mind, it's empty anyway."

I just roll my eyes and flick through the different shows on tv. "What happened with Jayden?" Jasmine finally broke the silence.

"Y'know he was pissed, insulted me and said that my new relationship won't last - typical ex stuff." I say.

"Insulted you, saying what? I may have to beat up this motherfucker." Jasmine says, pretending to crack her knuckles.

"It's okay, Xavier was there, I bumped into him at the bus stop." I reassure her.

"Wait what?"

"He was on his way to the airport and he saw me so he stopped the car." I explain.

"Ohh, and he beat up Jayden?" She asks.

"No, there was no beating up of anyone." I laugh, but as if on cue someone knocks the door. I get up to go open it.

In front of me stands a beaten up Jayden with cuts on his face, a black eye and a definite broken nose. A small gasp leaves my mouth and Jasmine walks up to the door.

"What the fuck happened to you?" She says, trying to stifle a laugh. I smack her shoulder and she walks back inside.

"Oh my god, Jayden what happened?" I asked, a little concerned but mostly curious.

"Ask that little fiancé of yours," he sneered.

"Xavier done this?"

"Yeah, he was pissed that I "insulted you"' he said putting speech marks around insulted.

"But you did insult me," I say.

"You're just a little bitch who couldn't handle herself," he growls.

"What happened Jayden...just like an hour ago I was going to your date to a wedding, how did you switch up so quick?" I ask, genuinely concerned.

"Before I knew you were with that dick Xavier." His voice was vile. "Now all I see you as is a little bitch.."

"Okay get the fuck out!" Jasmine walks past me and pushes Jayden. He stumbles back and Jasmine uses it to her advantage and keeps on pushing him back till he's off our porch. "Don't make me pepper spray you now boy," she warns, and Jayden walks away defeatedly.

Jasmine was obviously the more brave and confrontational out of us two, whilst I just let the problem happen.

I watched as Jayden walked away the back of his bloodied shirt shrinking into the distance. I knew I would have to talk to Xavier about this on Tuesday.

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