Chapter 21

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It's Sunday morning.

Today is my wedding day.

I had woken up at around 9 AM without an alarm. I stared at my blank ceiling, all I could think about was that at the end of the day I was going to be Mrs Amelia King.

My life was going to be turned upside down from today.

By the time I had used the toilet and washed my face, I heard a knock on the door. Jasmine opened it to see 2 blonde women, who I think were either sisters or twins, with a suitcase each.

"How may I help you?" Jasmine asked, unsure.

"Are you Amelia Davis?" they asked in perfect unison.

"I am," I interrupt and walk towards them "What's going on?"

"We are here to help you with your hair and make-up," they say "Mr King sent us."

"He never told me about hair and makeup," I mumble to Jasmine.

"The day is full of surprises," she shrugged and let the two ladies in.

I led them to my room, where my dress hung on my closet door. The two girls, whose names were Jennifer and Monica, gasped in delight when they saw it. They started speaking to each other in French before they got started on my hair.

"I'm going to start getting ready as well," Jasmine said as she popped her head around my bedroom door, I just nodded.

My face started to get hot from the steam that was coming off the hair straightener, I could feel myself getting red. After about an hour, my frizzy curls were sleek straight and my hair fell to just below my hips.

After spraying about half a can of hairspray on my head, they rubbed an ice cube on my face to calm my skin down before starting my makeup.

They painted my face with different foundations and glittery eyeshadows and applied a deep burgundy lipstick on my lips. After they were done, I looked in the mirror and fluttered with happiness - my eyes were a coppery gold and my skin looked flawless.

It was around 12:30 PM when they were done and I had to rush to get my dress on, I quickly rubbed a lavender scented body butter on my self and slipped into my wedding dress.

"Amelia we need to go!" I heard Jasmine's voice yell from the living room.

"Okay, give me a second," I yell back, I pull a shoebox out from under my bed and pulled out a letter my mum had given me, labelled Open On Your Wedding Day. I opened it and read what it says.

To my beautiful daughter,

Today is your wedding day and your future has just begun,

You're starting a brand new journey in life with your husband or wife, as a partnership full of adventures and promises. The road may have a few bumps and you may go off track but you two will be strong together and pass through every test. Everyday your love for each other will deepen, and I hope you all the best.

Congratulations on your wedding day.

A tear dripped down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away "I'm sorry mum," I whispered and composed my self before leaving my bedroom, the letter on my bed.

When I walked out I saw Jasmine and Jodie sitting on the sofa, they both turned their heads and smiled upon looking at me.

"You look amazing," Jodie gushed, and they both gave me a hug.

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