Chapter 34

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The ride to Eric's home was quick mostly because my mind was trying to fathom some sort of explanation as to why Vanessa was at the hospital.

I didn't want to blame her for Xavier being shot as she once loved and dated him and why would she want to hurt him.

"Eric?" I call his name whilst he drives. I'm sitting at the back and the guys are at the front.

"Yeah..?" His eyes are focused on the road.

"How could Vanessa get here if no one told her and there was no media?"

"Well.." Arthur speaks up to allow his son to watch the road "it's possible that a doctor or nurse informed Vanessa, she is Xavier's most 'famous' partner." He says putting 'famous' in speech marks.

"But why wouldn't she tell the media?" I wonder.

"No obvious explanation, either she has her own motive, or she will use it as a bargaining chip against us in the future." He explains and I nod in understanding.

When we get to Eric's house I go straight to the bedroom I was previously in and sit on the bed with my laptop that I left there when Xavier made us leave in a rush.

Vanessa Romano.

I search her name and try to find out as much as possible, reading all the scandalous headlines.

Vanessa Romano seen cozy with businessman Xavier King.

Vanessa Romano in messy breakup with Xavier King!

Vanessa Romano cheats on billionaire Xavier King.

She cheated on him. No wonder Xavier really disliked her at the party.

Every headline I could see was to do with Xavier. Xavier basically made her, and perhaps she wanted to get that fame back.

But why would killing him help?

I continued searching throughout the evening, learning little but useless things about her. Nowadays she was usually modelling and dating other businessmen, but nothing got her a bigger pay-check than being Xavier's girlfriend.

At around 9pm my phone began to ring, it was the FBI. They had arrived after the ambulance did and took my to update me about the investigation.

"Hello Mrs King, is this a good time?" A feminine voice asked.


"I'm calling about your husband's shooting. From the looks of it, it seems to be a typical hitman operation where someone wanted Xavier dead."

"But who would want him dead?" I ask.

"That's where this investigation gets a bit fuzzy, can we meet tomorrow and discuss this?" She asks.

"Of course."

She decides to come over to Eric's house in order to avoid me going out and risking my safety. I decide to get some sleep, ready for tomorrow.

The buzzing of my alarm at 9am woke me from my beloved sleep. After sleeping in the hospital for the past few days I had a deep and good sleep.

I have a body shower and get changed into a pair of blue jeans and a white knitted jumper, with a gold necklace and matching gold hoop earrings. I couldn't be bothered with makeup and just applied some Vaseline

Ever since the shooting I seemed to have lost my appetite, only drinking a cup of green tea and skipping breakfast.

I'm binge watching Gossip Girl when I hear the doorbell ring. I check the video door bell and see a woman in casual clothes, she notices the camera and shows her FBI badge to it. I go to open the door.

"Morning Mrs King," she shakes my hand and walks in. I lead her to the empty living room. Arthur is in his office and Eric has gone to the hospital as I have to speak to the investigator.

She has a few files in her handbag which she places onto the coffee table. Whilst she's doing that, I grab 2 water bottles and hand her one, which the thanks me for.

"First of all, I understand how hard this must be for you, thank you for cooperating with the FBI," she says.

"Of course."

"Now these are some photographs of the crime scene." She shows pictures of police taped land with the blood stain of Xavier stained on the ground. "These photos suggest that the shooter shot from somewhere higher up, perhaps the roof of any of the buildings. Is there any information you have that could help me?"

I breathe and decide to let her know about Vanessa "Well one of Xavier's ex-girlfriends was at the hospital today, but none of us called her and there was no paparazzi at the hospital."

She nods and writes what I say down.

"Would she have any motive to kill Xavier?" She asks

"I can't think of one, if she wanted him why would she shoot him, wouldn't it be me?" I explain.

"Why were you and your husband staying in this apartment, because obviously you can stay somewhere better?"

"Well Xavier told me there was a bounty on my head and —"

"A what?"

"A bounty, and that we needed to stay here where no one would suspect us to be, how the shooter found out I don't know."

"Who knew about his safe house?"

"Well, Xavier barged into our room and took me there straight away so I'm assuming no one."

"Thank you for your time Mrs King, you have helped me greatly." She says and leaves.

I give her a quick smile. My mind keeps on circling back to our conversation. What if Xavier told anyone that we were going to the safe house.

I played with the safe house keys in my hand, I had managed to take them out of Xavier's suit. I noticed that the keys were a bit weird.

Firstly it was a brown colour like a penny coin, rather than silver like at the other keys. Also it was big and square whilst the others were smaller and round. It made sense since that apartment was older.

My thoughts are broken when I hear Eric open the door and walk in.

"Gotta run, need to pee." He throws his keys and wallet on the coffee table and runs to the bathroom.

I'm going to pick up my water bottle to throw it in the recycling bin when something catches my eye.

A big square brown key hanging on his key ring.

hey bitches💋
hope you all enjoyed this chapter🦋
let me know who you think shot Xavier??

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