Chapter 32

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Xavier slams the door and I can hear the faint echo of him rushing down the stairs.

I know I went too far, comparing him to his father was a bad thing but I couldn't control my mouth. He effortlessly told me he doesn't care about being with me.

Honestly, I wanted him to care. It's all I craved. For him to protect me. And I knew he did, but the way he so casually hid it hurt me.

The events of last night replayed in my mind. His soft kisses, his gentle touch, his hypnotising words. I can't believed I ruined that sweet memory with what I said.

I'm on the brink of crying but before I could I hear a loud bang shoot off.

I run to the window, almost slipping on the polished wooden floor. I scrambled to open the blinds and looked out the window.

When I saw what was outside I almost lost my balance, holding onto the windowsill for support.

It was Xavier.

Shot in the chest.

I don't know what to do. I know I should move. Or call someone. But I'm frozen. My mind is screaming at me to do something but for a few seconds I'm frozen. I can't move. My eyes are glued onto the scene.

He's fallen on his back. Dark red blood pumping out of his bullet wound. He's got his phone in his hand.

Eventually I manage to run down the stairs and out of the building. I'm now even wearing shoes but who cares. I squat by Xavier's body and look into his eyes.  They're barely open and he's trying to talk but all I hear is muffled grunts.

"Xavier I'm calling an ambulance do not shut down on me!" I scream. There's no one else here and I can't be bothered to look around for a shooter when he's there fighting to stay conscious next to me.

"Hello, I need an ambulance. My husband has been shot." I cry into the phone, the operator asks for our information and soon I hear the ambulance sirens closing in.

The paramedics rush towards Xavier's body and lift it onto the trolley. I walk behind him, tears blurring my vision.

"Ma'am we can't take you with us." The doctor said.

"What? Why?" I shout, "that's my husband."

"Please, can you come in your own vehicle, we need as much space as possible to operate on him," he looks at Xavier's limp body. I nod and get into the car.

I have no time to think about any of this, I get into the car Xavier bought yesterday and follow the ambulance.

We arrive at the hospital, it's smaller and quaint unlike the big hospitals in the city. I see the paramedics rush Xavier into the hospital. I quickly park and rush behind them. I follow the gurney, Xavier now has a oxygen mask on and an IV line.

"Here you go," a nurse hands me his phone. I take it and tears pour out of my eyes when I see what he was doing. It was a text message to me.

Lia I am sorry for....

Then he got shot.

This was all my fault. If i hadn't pissed him off he wouldn't leave, if he didn't leave he wouldn't stop to text me, and he wouldn't have gotten shot..

The worst part: he was going to apologise to me, when he did nothing wrong.

I press send and make sure I get that text. I don't exactly know why I did that but Xavier would definitely delete it if he saw it now.

I see the bright ICU lights turn on as Xavier is wheeled into the operation room. I want to barge in but I know I can't and it will only delay Xavier getting treated so I sit in the waiting room.

I decide to use Xavier's phone, which surprisingly had no password, to call his dad and Eric. I knew it would take a while for them to get here anyway.

a few hours later

"How is he doctor?" I ask as I finally see a doctor leave the operation room.

"The bullet just missed his lung Mrs King, I won't lie he's in a very critical condition, however there is a chance of survival" the doctor says and I exhale "he's all done if you would like to see him."

I nod and walk into the room, where I see a nurse. I give her a soft smile and she excuses herself from the room.

I look at Xavier, even whilst fighting for life he looks stunning. His usually clenched jaw is relaxed and his lips are slightly parted. I grab a stool and sit next to his bed.

"Xavier.." I begin, I know he can't hear me but I don't know if I would be able to say this otherwise "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry this is all my fault. After you moved house for my safety and ditched your fancy supercars for me and I had the audacity to say all of that."

"Every moment I've shared with you, from coffee spills to fashion shows," I smile sadly "I loved everything and I can't believe it's going to take the risk of losing you for me to realise that. You've been the best fake husband I could ask for."

"The world needs the infamous Xavier King, who fires secretaries and buys businesses without thinking twice. You better not leave me King, I need you."

"The last thing I told you was that I hated you.." my tears are all over our hands "when I'm completely in love with you."

hey bitches💋
hope you enjoyed this chapter xx
if anyone wants to be my wattpad friend message me✌🏽🥺

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