Chapter 37

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The sound of the 2 gunshots echoed throughout the room. I peeked through my fingers, which were covering my face, to see that Eric was down.

I looked around to see that Xavier was standing behind his body, with a gun in his hands. I rush over to him and hug him tightly.

"Are you ok?" He asked, pulling away from me to examine if I had any injuries.

"I'm fine," tears are now falling down my face but I can't control it.

Eric screams, and I see the blood seeping out of his leg and arm, each place where he got shot. I rush towards him and pull the gun from his loose grip to stop him from hurting anyone else.

Soon enough the sirens ring as an ambulance takes Eric and Vanessa's bodies.

"Thank you Mr King." The FBI lady, whose name I learn is Jane, shakes Xavier's hand. I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

"When Vanessa called to report that you were in danger, we were too far to make it in time, but Mr King was close enough." She explains before leaving.

"Guess I'm your knight in shining armour sweetheart," he says cockily. I say nothing and squeeze him tightly.

"I can't believe you shot your brother for me." I say against his chest.

"I love you Lia, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep you with me." He says "now let's get out of here." He takes my hand and we leave that wretched house.

We sit down in silence in the car as Xavier drives back to our home. I'm glad we're finally going back there.

I just think about all that happened in the last 10 minutes. Vanessa had called the police and was trying to save me. I felt so guilty hated myself for blaming her.

When we get home I run straight into the shower, trying to wash off the memories of today. I stand under the warm steamy water, letting it run over me. I hear a click in the door and Xavier walks in with nothing but a towel on.

He steps into the shower and pulls the sleek black curtain, almost hiding us away from everything else. The water droplets slipping off his body made him look even sexier.

I place my arms around his neck and embrace him, melting into the moment. He places small kisses on my cheek and down my neck and shoulders.

I'm running my hands down his neck and shoulders but stop as soon as my hands reach his bullet wound. He places a finger under my chin and lifts my head to face him, before kissing me.

It was such a small and intimate moment but it proved to myself that I love Xavier with my whole heart.

After we got out of the shower, I dried my hair and put on a baggy shirt and a pair of sweats. Since Xavier was already comfortably watching TV I decided to head outside and check the mail.

There's a small purple envelope with golden accents and gemstones. I take the envelope inside and ask Xavier if he's expecting anything and he says no.

I decide to open the envelope, and almost drop it when I read what it says.

Xavier and Amelia King are officially invited to the wedding of Jasmine Watson and Dylan Powers

"Oh my god my best friend is getting married!" I scream and start dancing around the living room. Xavier looks at me, obviously amused but I don't care.

I grab the phone and call Jasmine straight away.

"Hey Mel what's up?" She says casually.

"I got your invite, I can't believe your getting married." I say excitedly.

"Yeah, Dylan proposed a few weeks ago, but I didn't know if I should tell you since you had other things going on.."

Oh you mean my fake husband being shot by his brother who actually wanted to kill me and ended up shooting his girlfriend dead?

"I'm so sorry I haven't really been the friend you deserve since I got married, but I will be totally by your side for this wedding." I promise.

"Speaking of, will you be my maid of honour?" She asks.

"Of course girl, that's not even a question!" I laugh, we talk for a bit longer before ending the call. I go back to the couch and snuggle with Xavier and we watch some movies.

In the middle of Avengers, Xavier's phone goes off and he checks it. His expression immediately has anger and I could tell the news wasn't great.

"Eric's been put in a mental rehabilitation centre, because he is 'deeply psychologically damaged'" he says, quoting the text from the FBI.

"Well at least he's getting help." I say.

Xavier says nothing but just turns his phone off and carries on watching the movie. I didn't question it further, I knew it wasn't an easy time for him.

Despite so much happening it was only 1 o'clock. I got a phone call from Jane and she asked for me and Xavier to come in to give a statement of what happened. 

I really didn't want to, but I knew I had to especially as Vanessa died trying to help me. I tell Xavier, who volunteers to drive us to the precinct and we both quickly get ready.

When we arrive there, me and Xavier are taken into separate rooms as we were both going to get questioned.  I go with Jane and Xavier goes with a different officer who I've never seen before.

"Alright Mrs King I'm going to keep it short since I'm guessing you don't want to talk about this, can you tell me what happened this morning?" She asks kindly.

"I woke up in the middle of the night to get water and heard a gunshot upstairs, Eric had shot my rolled up blanket thinking it was me." Jane begins writing.

"Then he ran down and tried to shoot me but Vanessa came in.." tears begin to form in my eyes as I remember Vanessas death. "She told him to leave me or she'll leave him and h-he shot her.." I'm now fully sobbing and Jane gives me a tissue.

"He was going to kill me before Xavier arrived and shot him." I say. She writes down all the details and then I leave the interrogation room and wait for Xavier, who was still in there.

thank you for reading🤗
votes, comments and feedback is appreciated
stay safe and stay at home❤️

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