Chapter 41

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"I'll see you tonight," she says sweetly and leans in to kiss me. I'm guessing it was meant to be a quick kiss, but I pull her hips in.

Her eye have a mischievous twinkle as she realises what I'm doing and she snakes her arms around my neck. She bites my bottom lip, giggling at her bravery.

Before anything could escalate the door knocks again and Lia quickly leaves, hiding her embarrassment from whoever was at the door.

I straighten myself out and sit down before letting the person at the door in. It was Mr Walker. I gesture for him to sit down.

"I came to ask for a personal favour." He starts.

"I'm not a fan of helping people Bradley," I say coldly. Regardless of how sweet or caring I was with Lia, she was the only one who could see that side of me.

No one else tested me like her, but no one loved me like her either.

"I want to spend more time in the King Corps. building." he says, pulling me out of my Lia trace.


"My sister, the receptionist kind of hates me, and honestly I deserve it a few years ago I-"

"I don't need the dramatics," I cut him off

"I just want to fix my relationship with her, and seeing her more often, under the excuse of work would let me." He says and actually has some genuine emotion for once.

"Fine." I say. I know what it's like for sibling relationships to go bad so I agree to what he says. "All meetings can take place here in my office."

"Thank you Xavier." He nods.

"It's Mr King." I correct him, as he's leaving the office.

My assistant brings me some mail to read, one of the letters is a handwritten note in a brown envelope.

I've got eyes on her, make sure you do too.

I leave the office and jog to my car. As fast as I can, I drive back to the house to see Lia talking to the Uber driver. A breath of relief escapes me as she thanks him and unlocks the house door

Her eyes catch me and she waits for me to park my car and walk in with me.

"Why are you back so early." She asks as she's taking her phone out her purse.

I decide not to tell her that she is in danger again. She was starting to get back to being herself and I don't want to hurt her more when I can deal with the situation myself.

"Just wanted to see you." I say instead. Her eyebrow raises, I don't think she believes me.

"Well King," she begins "I wish I could stay but I have a wedding to sort out." She says and I just nod. "What are you going to wear to Jasmine's wedding anyway?"

"Just pick something for me." I say without care, my mind was more preoccupied with the fact that she could be in more danger than she was before.

"You okay?" She stops whatever she was doing and looks at me with concern in her eyes.

"Just work stuff, Mr Walker wants to spend time with Jodie." I say, I knew it would catch her attention as she was friends with her.

However I'm proved wrong when all she says is "oh", before giving me a quick kiss and leaving.

I fall back into the sofa and sigh out loud.

What the fuck is my life?

I grab my phone and dial the number.

"Hello Gavin it's Xavier." I say.

"Long time no see," he chuckles into the phone.

"What can you get me on Eric?" I ask.

"Your brother Eric?" His voice has disbelief in it.

"Yes, call me back tomorrow with everything you can find out." I order and hang up the call.

I decide to take a shower and cool off before going back to work. The memories of me and Lia in the shower fill my mind, and before you know it I'm a walking hard-on.

I work from home the rest of the day and dread it. Lia decided to stay at Jasmines house for the night so I was all alone.

I was habituated to her presence and I was going to miss it when she left.

9 months and 12 days until our divorce, I fell asleep on the empty bed dreading that day.

I'm only woken up when the vibrations of my phone buzz against the wooden bedside table.

"Hello Xavier." Gavin's voice booms through the phone.

"Do you have what I asked for?" I ask, cutting straight to the point.

"Well Eric has a messy history, I'm surprised he wasn't in prison earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"He killed a woman in her early thirties, around 15 years ago." He says.

"Do we know this woman?"

"She seems irrelevant, her name is Eva Wallace." He says.

"Thank you Gavin, let me know if there's anything else." I say and end the call.

I hold my head in my hand as I sigh out loud. I grab my phone and dial Lia's number.

"Hey King," her soft morning voice mumbles, she probably just woke up.

"Your mum's name is Eva right?"

sorry for the wait, wattpad logged me out

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