Chapter 44

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As I was reading through some files, my phone beeped off to alert me that Amelia had left the house. The security system was designed to let me know when Lia is in the house and when she isn't.

I really didn't want to do this, and I felt awful violating her privacy but she was in danger. I had a bodyguard following her whenever she left the house, who constantly updated me.

"She's gotten into a cab boss," he says "but I can't hear where she wants to go."

That's odd, she normally prefers driving.

"Follow her and keep me updated." I order and end the call. I really tried to focus on my work but my mind kept on wondering.

Eric killed Lia's mum.

I don't know why he did that and I was trying to figure it out. I had a few private investigators on the job but my main focus was my wife's safety and not my nutjob brother's past.

An hour has passed, why hasn't Lia's bodyguard called yet? As if on cue, my phone begins to vibrate. I check the caller id to see that Lia herself has called me.

"Hello wife," I say cheerily.

"Come to the house right now." She deadpans.

"Is everything ok?" I say, I'm already getting out of my seat and ready to leave.

"We're going to find out." and she ends the call.

I tell my assistant to push all the meetings to tomorrow and get into my car to drive home. The road is pretty empty surprisingly and I get home in less than 10 minutes.

I open the door and walk into the living room to see Lia sitting on the couch holding her head in her hands. Her head pops up when she sees me and she looks like she's on the verge of crying.

"Hey," I jog over to her and kneel in front of her, lifting her face up with both my hands "what's wrong."

"Please tell me it's not true..?" She pleaded, dropping her head into my hands.

"What's not true?" I'm so confused.

"That you killed my mom." Her eyes lingered onto mine for a split second before she broke down into tears.

I remove my hands away from her, "What? Who told you that."

"I saw Eric today..." she began

"You what?" I question.

"He told me tha-that it was you," her eyes are full of tears. She's looking at me, pleading that it's not me, begging that I wasn't the one who took her world away from her.

But for her, I was.

"Lia, you have to understand I was-" I take her hands into mine, stumbling on my words.

"So it was you," she snatches her hands away and stands up. I get up and look at her. Her sadness had shifted into anger and disgust.

"She owed Kings Corp a lot of money and your uncle was desperate for money so I thought-" I pathetically explain.

"That's why she wrote me letters...for my prom, graduation, my wedding. She knew she was going to die." Lia whispers to herself, completely disregarding any explanation I could've had. Her hands are in her hair, as I see all the control leave her body.

Her makeup is dripping into black droplets along with her tears as she tries to comprehend what I've just told her.

"You're a monster," she chokes through her weeping.

"Lia I can explain.." I try to take her hands.

"Don't call me that!" She shouted out loud, she takes one last look at me "don't follow me," she spits before running up the stairs.

I watch as her tiny breathes overwhelmed her as she tried to stop her crying. When I was sure she was in the room I went upstairs and stayed outside the door to hear what she was doing.

I'm taken aback when I hear a something glass, probably the flower vase, smash and hear Lia's haunting screams. I hear a thud as she falls onto her knees and sobs quietly.

My eyes water as I lean against the door, I slowly slide down onto the floor back to back with her, separated by the door.

"I'm sorry Lia.." I whisper through the door, I know she couldn't hear but fuck, I wish she could.

I get back onto my feet and wipe my tears, before slipping back into my shoes and getting into the car.

The silence was broken by the hum of the radio static, as the city lights began to turn on as it got darker. I walk into the big building.

"Can I see Eric King?" I say to the receptionist.

After a few minutes of signing visitation papers and getting my pockets searched I am placed into the visitors lounge.

He's seated before me, his eyes glinting.

"I did it," I look into my lap.

"Well done, big brother."

don't hate, appreciate

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