Chapter 33

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It's been 2 days now and Xavier's state hasn't changed. It's bittersweet as he hasn't got better but it doesn't mean he's gotten worse.

I've just been staying at the hospital, I haven't gone home yet. Xavier's dad and Eric have been in and out the hospital, they keep on convincing me too leave but I can't, not knowing that he's in this position because of me.

"Amelia, just have a shower and a meal and come back. We'll be here and I'll call you if anything changes." Arthur's hand is on my shoulder.


"No ifs and no buts, Xavier would want you to as well." He cuts me off.

"Alright." I sigh, I know this was difficult for him, maybe more than it was for me so I didn't argue with him.

I drove the car back to my old place and Jasmine opens the door for me. I just collapse into her arms, tears staining her shirt. I decided to not go to the safe house since the shooter, whoever they were, knows we were there.

"What happened Mel?" She pulls me and sits me on the couch. It takes me about half an hour to explain everything between all the crying and sniffling. She doesn't say anything but pulls me into a long hug.

Soon, I get into the shower washing myself with coconut scented shower products. I quickly moisturise and throw my damp curls into a bun, and get dressed in black joggers and a plain red t shirt.

I was about to leave again when I hear Jasmine call my name, "Xavier's dad called me to make sure you eat."

"Where did he get your number?" I ask, confused.

"I don't know, rich people connections maybe. Take this."

She hands me a turkey sandwich, a bag of Cheetos and a bottle of water.

"And I've packed your bag with extra water and snacks." She says whilst I eat.

"Thank you Jaz, seriously." I say.

"What are friends for," she winks before I leave.

I drive back to the hospital, it takes about 40 minutes and I'm glad that Xavier's dad made me go home, I feel much more refreshed and ready. 

When I arrive I see Eric and Arthur talking to some woman, she seems familiar but I can't make out who she is.

"Nice to see you, Vanessa." Eric says.



She's Xavier's ex-girlfriend from the charity ball. The one who called me a whore, I remember her but what is she doing here.

I walk in and interrupt their conversation, "nice to see you looking all cleaned up,  Amelia." Xavier's dad smiles. Him and Eric leave to grab some lunch and I'm left with Vanessa.

"I'm so sorry to hear what happened," she pulls me in a hug "I can't imagine what this is like for you." I wanted to believe she was being sincere but I could tell she wasn't.

"Who told you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, there was no media alerted and I don't think Arthur would invite her.

"Eric called me," she says and gives my hand a squeeze before sitting in the waiting room.

Fake bitch.

I quietly grunt in frustration, why would Eric call his brother's ex to the hospital where his brother is currently in a coma. Whatever, I shrug it off and walk into Xavier's room.

He's just laying there, it's a bit unsettling to see him not doing anything. I sit on the stool that no one has moved and begin talking to him again. 

"Hey wanna wake up today?" I say softly "I miss you...a lot."

I can feel his pulse as I hold his wrist but there's nothing about him that's alive.

Nothing. I sit there, quietly and just absorb the moment.

A small knock interrupts us. "Excuse me Mrs King, visiting hours are over." She says softly.

"But I could sleep over last night." I say.

"It's Sunday, we close a little early," her tone is soft and understanding.

"Oh ok.." I smile and give Xavier's hand a small kiss before leaving.

I fiddle with my wedding ring before walking out. I see Eric and Arthur talking and I'm pretty sure Vanessa has left.

"Why did you ask Vanessa to come here?" I ask irritably to Eric.

"You invited Vanessa." Arthur said "why would you do that?"

"Whoa calm down, I didn't invite her." He says defensively.

"What then who did?" I ask.

"Not sure, maybe she found out." He shrugs "time to go," he guides us out of the hospital.

I'm about to get into my car when I see Vanessa in the parking lot. She's on the phone. I can't make out what she's saying but I don't trust her.

I want to go closer and have a listen but I I'm pulled by Eric to get into the car.

"Get in the car Amelia, there's only a minute until my parking ticket runs out." He jokes.

I take one last look at Vanessa, who looks angry now and is shouting into the phone.

hey bitches💋
wrote this chapter in a bit of a hurry, sorry if it's not the best
please vote and comment - i love your insights

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