Chapter 31

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I just had sex with Xavier.

I wanted to be angry.  Angry with myself, angry for letting myself do that, angry for giving myself to him.

But I wasn't.

Instead I let him see me, vulnerable and defenceless. One gaze and my walls were broken down. I was weak in front of him, but I was okay with it.

He was a fire in my life but I didn't know if he was going to warm my heart.

Or burn me down.

"Lia.." his voice disturbed my thoughts.

"Hi.." I say shyly. Why was I shy? I just had sex with him. "What's up?"

We were in the kitchen and Xavier lifts me and sits me down onto the counter. He stands between my legs and I can't help but look at him - all he's wearing is a pair of boxers. He was sexy, that was undeniable, but now I saw something else in him, maybe it was just because I slept with him but maybe it wasn't.

I kiss him. This time is softer than ever. It's sweet, slow and beautiful. My hands go around his neck and his on my waist.

I pull away. "You're making it hard to be your fake wife," the heat between us makes it difficult to even speak. He looks at me but doesn't say anything, pulls me in for a hug and I rest my head on his broad shoulder.

We both knew it. 10 more months then I would be thrown out of his life. We would carry on, following our own paths. I would be insignificant.


An expired contract.

"I'm..uh..gonna go to bed.." I say and jump off the counter.

"I'll join you soon," he says, there's something in his eyes but I don't know what it is.

I sit on the bed. I sit where we were just an hour ago and the memories flash in my mind. The way he spoke to me, looked at me, touched me.

My phone rings, pulling me out of the trance, it was Jasmine.

"Hey," I answer.

"Dylan said I love you!" She squeals.

"I slept with Xavier!" I say at the same time. We both simultaneously gasp. "Congratulations..?" I say unsurely, I didn't know what to say if someone says I love you to your best friend.

"I think congratulations are in order for you love." She says, and I know she has that knowing smirk on her face.

"When did he say it?" I change the subject.

"Just now" she gushes.

"Then why are you on the phone with me? Go have sex with him." I laugh.

"I see you already done that." And she hangs up.

I look around the bedroom, I didn't really have much time to last time I was in here. I see the lack of personalisation. It was empty, just a bed and stool in the corner. I open the drawers and there nothing much in them except markers, batteries and a notepad.

I grab the black marker and go to the door of our bedroom, it was so basic, a plain wooden door painted white. I write mine and Xavier's name on to door, signalling that this was our room.

Lia & King

I sigh happily, hoping I made it a little more homely and if Xavier didn't like it, he could afford to replace it.

I lay down on the bed, sleeping on my side. I'm so close to falling asleep but then I hear the door knob twist but he doesn't open the door, probably just realising what I wrote on the door. I don't talk or move. A few seconds after he opens the door and lays down next to me. His arms wrap around my waist.

"Amelia King," Xavier says, I'm not sure if he knows I'm awake or if he's talking to himself but he's talking "I'm falling."

He's falling?

Falling in love?

Is Xavier is falling in love with me?

Because I think I am too....

The next morning, I wake up to an empty bed. I glance at the clock and see that it's 7:30.

I walk around the apartment to see that Xavier is nowhere to be seen. I walk to the kitchen to see a small card on the counter.

Gone for business.

Gone for business?

What the fuck. There's a literal bounty on my head and he's 'gone for business'. Gone where? How long? A little more detail would be nice. I huff and sit on the couch.

There's no food and I'm not going to leave. I grab my cell phone and call Xavier.


I roll my eyes and wait for him to get back.

After a few hours I hear the lock click on the main door and Xavier walks in. He's got a McDonalds bag in his hand which he hands to be and sits on the armchair next to me.

"Where did you go?" I ask.

"There was a meeting, for Mr Walkers business." He says as he sips on his water bottle.

"You could've told me before you left, actually scratch that you shouldn't have left." I say, my tone was getting angry but I really tried to control myself as I wanted to have a conversation not argument.

"What? Lia I get that you're not in the best situation and you're scared, and I'm trying my best to sort it." He begins and I thought he was going to apologise "..but I'm not going to put everything on pause to accommodate you."

"What the fuck? Accommodate me? There is a bounty on my head Xavier. Do you understand that? A bounty!" I say.

"Yes. Your head not mine." He says coldly.

"Because of you," I spat and I could tell he was affected by it but quickly recovers.

"The world doesn't revolve around you Lia," he seethes "I have more important things to do than sit at home with you."

"So you're just going to leave your wife? You really are your father's son." I know it was a low blow but right now I just wanted to hurt him as much as he did to me. "fuck you Xavier."

"I know you're angry at the situation—" he begins but I'm fuming.

"No I'm angry at you for putting me in this situation and I hate you for it." I spill.

He doesn't say anything but just gets up and leaves.

hey bitches💋
did amelia go too far? comment what you think , i love to hear the readers' opinions
votes, comments and feedback is appreciated🦋

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