Chapter 18

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"Oh my god.." I whisper when I see that is was Xavier under the covers. My hands instinctively go over my mouth. 

"Lia? Is that you?" He says scrambling up. He was in his boxers and the girl still had her bra and underwear on, thank god.

"What's going on?" I say quietly. My anger was seething but I tried to keep calm.

"It's not what it looks like..." he says and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah we were just—" the girl says.

"Please don't get involved between me and my fiancé." I cut her off.

She looks a little shocked and then gets up and leaves. Her being half naked didn't bother her, it wasn't much different from her costume anyway. She leaves and I close the door behind her. 

"What the hell Xavier?!" I finally burst.

"It's not what it looks like?" He says lamely.

"What does it look like then? Because to me it looks like the guy who I'm about to marry is having sex with someone else." I say, I was shaking and my eyes were watering, but I wasn't sad.

I was angry.

He gets up and walks towards me, placing one hand on my cheek and all I think of is how he touched her.

"Lia.." He starts.

"No, I need to leave." I whisper and I remove his hand off my cheek.

"Please stay.." He says quietly.

"I'll see you at the house, boss" I say and leave the bedroom.

I book an Uber and wait by the doors of the house. 

"Leaving already?" One of Xavier's friends ask.

"Yeah I'm not really a party person, just came to meet his friends." I say and he just nods. I see my Uber arrive and walk away from him and into the car.

"I'll see you at the wedding," I say before we drive away.

He just smiled and goes back to the party.

When I get back to the house I go to the bathroom and splash my face with water, concealing my tears from myself.

I wash off any makeup and get changed into fluffy pyjamas. I didn't want to sleep in the same room as Xavier but I was too exhausted to look for another room. 

I curled up on his couch and closed my eyes. The events of the day flashed past and a few tears fell down my face. I ignored it and soon fell into a disturbed sleep.


After I saw her leave the room I realised what I had done. I quickly put my suit back on messily and ran down.

"Have you seen Amelia?" I ask my friend Darren.

"Yeah she just left, she wasn't really in a party mood." He replied.

I thank him and call my driver to return. He takes some time but he finally gets here and we rush back home.

As soon as we got to the house I run up the stairs and go to the bedroom. The door is closed and I stand on the other side to listen but it's silent.

I stand there, wondering why I was so affected by this. She was a fake fiancé that I didn't really care for.

I open the door quietly and see that the room is dark expect for bathroom light shining through the keyhole of the bathroom door.

I turn on the bedside lamp and see that Lia was fast asleep on the couch. I unfolded the blanket that was on the edge and draped it over her. Before going to bed myself.

The next morning I woke up to see that Amelia was already awake and packing her bag.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Packing my bag." She says bluntly.

"Obviously but why?"

"I met your mum, I've met your friends I don't need to be here anymore." She says, folding the dress she wore last night.

"Don't you think this is an overreaction to what happened last night." I say, bravely.

She stays silent.

"Lia I'm sorry if I upset you but—" I start speaking

"Disappointed but not surprised Mr King." She said and walk out the room with her suitcase.

Make it up to her.

That was the only thought in my mind.

"Lia wait!" I say out loud and she stops in her tracks.

"We are supposed to leave anyway tomorrow just stay?" I ask.

"Sir I need some time, I'm not angry at you but I can't help feel a bit betrayed. And imagine if someone else instead of me walked in last night?"

After she left I made sure that she had a flight and car to get back to New York and went to the office.

I didn't do much I just stayed in the office and stared at the wall. The only image in my mind was her shocked face when she saw me.

Her eyes were lined with tears but she didn't cry, she was strong and she knew it. 

I slammed my fist onto the table. How could I break her trust before I even gained it. I drove back to the house and packed my bag for my flight back to New York in the morning. 

The next morning I woke up at around 9, got dressed and made my way to the airport. I got into the car and drove to the airport.

After a while I was finally seated in the jet I couldn't sleep for the flight. I sat there staring out the window. She was the only thing in my mind.

I was wondering - will she still want to marry me?

When the plane finally landed my dedication to win her trust back. It was going to be hard I knew it. I had broken her trust before I had even earned it.

As soon as my plane landed, I immediately drove to Amelia's house and knocked on her door.

After a couple seconds the door opened to reveal I tired Amelia - messy hair, tired puffy eyes and she was in a dragon hoodie and trackies.

"Mr. King? What are you doing here it's 2:30am?" She mumbles tiredly.

"I'm here to make it up to you Lia, if you'll let me?" I ask hopefully.


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