Chapter 17

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The sunlight peeking through the window woke me up naturally and I found that Xavier was already awake.

I checked my phone and saw that u had got a text from Xavier.

I'll be home at 5, make sure you're ready for the party by 6. -Xavier.

Okay I replied.

I decided to have breakfast and spent most of the day hanging out with Nikki and talking.

I started getting ready at 4:30 since I had already saved time by showering the night before.

I put on my dress, it was a bit revealing but Jasmine had put it in my bag just in case, and it did end up being useful. And I knew for a fact that I wouldn't have the most revealing outfit.

I took a silver chain belt I had and wrapped it around my neck as a diy necklace. I wore my regular diamond studs.

I wrapped a blanket around me, to not ruin my dress, and started doing my makeup. I wasn't as good as Jasmine but I did a glittery sliver eye with black eyeliner, clear lip gloss and silver highlighter.

When I come out the bathroom a see that Xavier is in the bedroom and he's already ready. He's wearing a all black suit with a red tie and a devil head band but his curls hide the band so only the horns are visible.

He looked good.

I put my ring on that was sitting on the edge of the bedside table.

His head turned to face me and his eyes lingered on me for a second before looking away. "Looking good." He said as we both made our way down to the car.

"I got you this as well by the way." He hands me a crystal halo that definitely complemented my dress.

"Thanks.." I whisper, kind of embarrassed.

For the first time, I was in a car with Xavier and he wasn't the one driving. We both sat in the back and a driver was driving.

The drive was awkwardly silent and I just played with the ring on my finger. I didn't bring a bag, I just had my phone in my hand and lipgloss in a secret pocket in my dress.

The car stopped in front of a street of big luxurious houses. None of them as big as the house I was staying in but they were still huge.

I instantly knew which house the party was at. The loud music was blaring, sending vibrations through me. Xavier took my hand into his as we walked into the house.

I wasn't a fan of big crowds so my grip on his hand tightened involuntarily.

"Relax Lia, I'll be by your side the entire night." He reassured.

I don't know if he meant it but it helped me calm down and act normal the rest of the night.

As soon as we entered a couple of people walked up to me and Xavier and started talking to us.

"So this is the lucky girl?" One of his friends smirked, I was a bit embarrassed but the low lights hid it well.

"You guys look so cute." A girl who was walking by complimented. I smiled.

His friends ended talking to us for a while before they walked off and me and Xavier walked to the bar area.

"I'll have a scotch," he said to the bartender. "You?" He asked.

"Water," I asked the barkeep politely.

"Are you sure? You're at a party." Xavier raised an eyebrow.

"I cannot handle alcohol very well," I confess. "A couple shots and I will not be fun to live with tomorrow."

"Oh," was all he said.

We drank out drinks and made small talk but were constantly cut off by Xavier's friends calling him over and him denying it.

"You can go hang with your friends." I said, I knew he only stayed because of me.

"No I like spending time with you." He said.

My heart involuntarily fluttered, but I knew he was lying.

"You spend time with me all the time, go have fun, after today we have a wedding to start planning." I smile.

"But -"

"Trust me I'll be right here," I stood up to kiss his cheek. He hesitated but left.

I sat down at the bar and just observed, Xavier was playing darts and drinking with a few guys and girls, but most of the people were dancing.

The house soon became hot and sweaty and I felt a little claustrophobic, so I decided to get some fresh air.

I walked around until I found a balcony on the second floor. I went out and stood by the railing, enjoying the cool air hit my skin.

"Looking good," I hear a voice call out, instantly I knew it wasn't Xavier.

I turn around to see a guy, he was dressed as a army soldier - with camouflage trousers and a black tank top.

"Thanks..." I mumble and turn back around to look over the balcony.

"Is there any chance I could get your number?" He asked, in a polite non-creepy way.

"Sorry I'm engaged." I say without turning around.

"He must be a lucky guy," he chuckles.

"I'm the lucky one." I say.

"My name's Jay by the way." He says.

"Hello Jay, I'm Amelia."

"If you don't mind, can I ask who your fiancé is, I know pretty much everyone here so I probably know him."

"Xavier, Xavier King." I say.

"Damn girl," he laughs "you got a good one."

I smile.

"Anyway I'll leave you to have your alone moment, Happy Halloween." We shake hands and he walks off.

Too bad, he was kinda cute.

When I'm coming back down I ask some girl in a Wonder Woman costume where the bathroom is.

"Check any of these bedrooms they all have en-suites," she said and walked off.

The first 2 bedrooms I checked were occupied so I decided to walk into the final one, if this toilet was occupied I was screwed.

I opened the door and saw that the bathroom was empty, but there was a couple having sex on the bed.

I was a little disgusted but I was too desperate to be picky so I just tiptoed past the bed and into the toilet.

When I was done I flushed the toilet but on the way out dropped a bottle of shampoo and made a loud thud.

"What the fuck was that?" a familiar voice said.


A head pops out of the blanket and my heart drops.

It was Xavier.

Having sex.

With the girl he was playing darts with.

hey bitches💋

sorry for the late update but I have exams and revision is really important to me so I didn't really focus on wattpad.

hope you guys liked the chapter thoo x


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