Chapter 49

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"Then leave.." I tell her.

"W-what?" Her quiet voice whimpers. Her eyes were full of tears, she looked so small and vulnerable - a side I wasn't used to seeing.

"I'll terminate the contract.." I sigh "your money, car and house will be given to you through my lawyers...along with the divorce papers."

"Xavier I-" she begins softly.

"Is that what you want Miss Davis?" I ask. I don't want to see her. I don't want to look at her. I don't want to watch her take everything away by leaving.

I look away, hoping she would say no.

Hoping, that she wouldn't believe any of it, that she would let me take her in my arms again.


She shattered all the hope.

I put up my hand as a way to tell her she doesn't need to say anything more.

"Tomorrow morning.." I feel a sting in my eyes "the driver will take you back to Jasmine's place, someone will come back for your things."

I leave the room before she could say anything.

I let the door slam behind me, it's the only way I could show any emotion.

Standing outside her door, listening for a moment to see if she would do anything.

I hear her tiny breaths, trying to hold back her tears. If there's anything I knew about her, she liked to be strong. She wanted to be in charge of herself - she thought with her brain more than her heart.

I couldn't blame her.

She thought her mother is dead because of me. The one person who she cared about more than anyone and still does.

And to top it all off, I told her I didn't really love her.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

I love her more than anything.

I go the guest room, where I had been sleeping for the past few days and sit on the edge of the bed. I groan out loud as I rest my face in my palm. My phone vibrates, grabbing my attention.

I start the engine of my car and race down the empty New York roads. My emotions get the best of me as I messily drive, blurring my lanes together and passing red lights.

I park my car and get out of it, speed walking towards the entrance.

The New York Mental Rehabilitation Centre.

The white tiles were shining like they had just been cleaned, but the murky red stain on the cement gaps between them showed that something unfortunate had just happened.

By the time I had arrived here it was already 9pm and only the night guards were in duty. They easily let my pass and take me to the visitors lounge where my devil of a brother was already awaiting me.

I remember him telling me how he pretty much bought all the staff here.

"The big bad Xavier King is here." He announces. He's slouched lazily across the hard plastic chairs.

"Why did you call me here?"

"Well, don't have that tone with your own brother.." he fake pouts, before his expression turns darkly serious "a little bird told me you took Amelia to the business ball today.."

He's fiddling with his fingers, almost as if he doesn't really care about the conversation.

"I thought our plan was that you'll make her leave...or I can make her leave forever." He teases pulling out that damned burner phone.

"Don't worry," I assure him "she'll be gone by tomorrow morning."

Telling him that was like rubbing salt on my wounds.

"That's what I like to hear Xavier," he slaps his knee like I said a funny joke. "Don't worry, you're handsome, rich and you'll find another girl."

"Why are you doing all this?" I ask, my voice cracks.

"I told you this already..if you want Amelia safe-" he begins.

"No," I cut him off "why did you do any of this? Why did you try and kill her in the first place? Why did you have her mother killed?"

His face turns deadly. "I hate that family.." he murmurs before saying: "I don't think you understand Xavier. You don't know what it's like to be second best.

You've always had it all, money, fame, women. You took Kings Corp. made yourself a billionaire.

And then the one time I find a girl beautiful, extraordinary even - I find out you've already married her."

My jaw clenches when he's talking about Lia.

"So I took it away," he continues as he makes a snatch gesture with his hand  "I can't take your money away - you'll just make it I took the next best thing. Amelia or Lia I should say." He smirks.

"Don't call her that." My teeth grit.

"I'm just glad you know what it feels like...and now, as promised, I'll stay out of yours and Amelia's lives." He waves his hand as a signal for me to leave.

I get up but before I could leave his voice stops me.

"But if I ever find out you broke your part of the deal, her life is just a phone call away." He warns. I nod in understanding.

I walk back to my car, before getting in I stare at the building, this'll be the last time I come here.

Sitting in my car, I rest my head against the steering wheel. All the emotions that were buried inside seem to release all at once, as the tears spill out of me at once.

I lift my head at the sound of small thudding against my windshield.

It's raining.

I remember my conversation with her about the rain.

'it feels like time has stopped King'

It does feel like time has stopped, it feels like my life has stopped.

I had everything I could ever want, everything I could ever need.

She was the fire that melted my ice.

The light that intrigued me, like a moth to a flame.

My lifeline, my addiction.

And I let her go.


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