Chapter 24

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After a rough day at my part time job in the local library, I was finally making my way back home.

I had decided to take in the warm sunshine and walk home, which meant I had to enter my house through the backyard door.

As I walk past the fence and into the garden I already see my mum, through the glass doors of the deck, talking on the phone.

She seemed a little worried but I couldn't make her face out properly from a distance.

My mum hangs up the call looking a little worried, but it doesn't phase me. She probably just had a little disagreement with my dad.

Before I make it inside I see my uncle Jason walk into our living room.

Why was he here? Him and my mum were not close at all and he never visited.

I'm close enough to the door to hear without having to go inside, but my mum glances and sees me peeking around but doesn't say anything.

"Hey Jason," my mum greets.

"Give me the money." he said seriously.

"You know I can't Jase, I have Amelia - she's off to college soon," my mum said softly, the way they were talking made it sound like this was not a new conversation but an unfinished one.

I had to listen carefully to catch every word.

"I dont care," he barked "Mum left me no money and I need it you don't, you have Trevor."

Trevor was my dad.

"I need the money, I have a family to feed, to take care of." my mum said helplessly.

"I don't care, I'm in too much debt. Where is Amelia?" he asked.

"She's out with Trevor." my mum lied.

I could hear everything perfectly but I was struggling to see without exposing myself through the glass. 

"Give me the money now Eva." my uncle said and I heard a soft gasp escape my mum's mouth.

"I think you need to leave," my mum says. I hear a click. 

I couldn't see anything but what I heard was enough.

I hear a bang, my ears popped, and everything was almost deafened for a second.

My mum was lying there dead.

Her crystal blue eyes were open and there were tears in them. She was about to cry before she was murdered. There was blood seeping out of her stomach onto the ground and coming through the gap under the deck door.

I run to the door, my shaking hands struggle to slide it open but I eventually succeed. I cradle my mums body, calling emergency services immediately for an ambulance.

My uncle stands there, shocked and speechless. He looks me in the eyes for a brief seconds before running with his gun.

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