Chapter 40

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We drive back to my place and the whole journey all I'm thinking is what if I'm pregnant. To be honest the idea didn't scare me as much as I thought it would.

Having a baby with Xavier wasn't seeming like the worst thing ever.

"Do you think you're actually pregnant?" Jasmine asks whilst driving.

"I don't know, I was meant to get my period a few days ago, and I have been having sex." I explain.

"Yeah you have," she smirks "anyway drink this, so you have some pee ready when we get home," she hands me a bottle of water.

"Oh my god," I whisper to myself, my life could actually change so much.

"Imagine you and Xavier's little chocolate babies, so cute," she squeals.

"Yeah.." I sigh.

"Do you not want a baby?" She asks as she stops at a red light.

"I do, and the only person I can imagine having one with is Xavier, but it would change everything." I admit.

"Yes, but you guys love each other, I'm sure you would love this baby so much. And it's going to be a King baby - it would have everything it ever wanted." She starts.

"Yeah you're right, a baby would be a blessing to us." I smile to myself, I could have my own family.

I've always been a baby person and definitely wanted to have a few children myself, but was this too early? I was 22 and Xavier was only 24.

When we arrive at the house I got straight to the bathroom. I carefully open the box and pee straight onto the stick.

"Damn this is a big house, you're living lavish Mel," she says outside the door whilst I pee.

After washing my hands I take the stick out with me and me and Jasmine wait.

"How long?" she asks

"5 minutes."

"This could be the start of the King family." She squeezes my hands with excitement. I smile, I think I want it to be positive.

Soon enough the timer on my phone buzzes and I turn around and look at the test. I wanted to have a look at it privately before showing Jasmine.

My eyes water when I see the results. I turn around and Jasmine's face softens when she sees me. She doesn't even care about the result in this moment but just gives me a hug.

"Is it positive?" she asks quietly.

"'s negative." I say and begin crying quietly.

"But I thought you wanted it to be-" she stops what she's saying and just consoles me.

"How can I be so upset over something I never even had?" I say pathetically.

"Hey it's alright," she hugs me "you're allowed to be upset babe."

After a while I've calmed myself and Jasmine has left. I'm eating ice cream and watching TV in the dark when Xavier comes in.

He's come a little later than usual but I'm sure it's because he got so excited finally being back at work.

"Hey baby," he says as he walks in.

I place my ice cream on the coffee table and go give him a hug.

"Let me get changed and I'll come join you," he says and go sit back down on the couch.

"Umm Lia?" Xavier calls out and I go upstairs to see what he wants.

"Yeah what do you-" I see him holding my pregnancy stick, I think he saw it whilst he was changing as he's wearing sweatpants but has no top on.

"What is this?" He asks, he looks concerned.

"Don't worry it was negative." I say quietly. He sit on the toilet and looks at me.

"Did you want it to be positive?" He asks.

"Yes, no I don't know. I was kind of excited to have a family though," I admit.

He pulls me onto his lap and I rest my head on his shoulder.  "You're my family Lia," he says and he carries me back downstairs bridal style.

"I love you." I say as he steps down the stairs.

"I love you too,"

We sit on the couch and just watch movies, I made some popcorn since neither of us were in the mood to eat.

"What would you have done if it was positive?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I would've been glad my baby was with you, because there's no one else who I would want to have a child with."

His words melt my heart as I snuggle into him and slowly drift off into a comfortable sleep.

The next morning I'm awoken by Xavier's alarm. I groan and hug him tighter so he doesn't leave the couch.

"Lia, I gotta go to work," he chuckles, I bet he was enjoying me being all clingy.

"Fine.." I huff and let him out of my grip. "Can I come see you later?"

"Of course baby, come whenever you want." He kisses my cheek and goes to get ready.

I hear him shut the door as he leaves and I'm still laying in the sofa.

I spend most of the morning doing some laundry and then decide to get ready to go see Xavier for lunch.

I decided to look a little fancier today, it's the first time I'm going to the office as just Xavier's wife and not for work.

I put on 3/4 sleeve black floral dress with black tights and gold earrings.

I decide to walk to Kings Corp. and I grab some sandwiches from the nearby cafe for our lunch. The clicking of my heels echoed on the tiles as I walked into the building.

"Good morning Mrs King," an employee greets me as she walks past.

"Good morning." I say a little confused and Jodie laughs at me from her desk.

"You're respected around here," she says.

"Because I'm Xavier's wife?" I ask.

"Yes, but also because this company made twice as much profit the week you were in charge." She says and my face lights up.

"I'm made for this business shit," I say cockily as I walk into the private elevator and go to Xavier's office.

I knock on Xavier's office door and he goes and opens it.

"I got lunch," I say and give him a quick kiss. We both sit my his desk and eat and talk until lunch hour is over.

"Mr King you have a meeting in 5," a young man, about 20 says as the peeks his head round the open door.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"My assistant." I fake gasp.

"Replaced me already King?"

"Nothing could replace you Lia,"

who wanted Amelia to be pregnant?
stay safe and stay at home

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