Chapter 38

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I walked into the room and saw Lia walk into a different one. I wanted nothing but to go with her - her face had obvious looks of pain and stress.

I knew she had a few rough weeks and even though I was the one who got shot, it was easier for me than her. Watching the person you love get shot is probably the worst thing ever and she had to go through it.

I sit down on the table opposite a buff man with tanned skin, a bald head and lots of tattoos trailing his arms and neck.

"This is for you.." he passes me an envelope that has no address on it. I open it and read what it says.

I may not have been able to kill her but I'll make sure the job is done.
Love Eric.

"What the fuck is this shit!" I yell, the man who is obviously a fake cop shrugs.

"Don't shoot the messenger. Eric King has made an appointment for you to visit him tomorrow morning at 8am," he says.

"Why the fuck would I want to see Eric." I say, I'm seething at this point.

"He has many connections and is still able to get that pretty woman killed." He says, pointing at Lia from the small glass window in the door.

I slam my fist onto the table, what could I do but comply. I didn't want to put Lia's life in danger. The man leaves and I'm by myself in the room.

I look at Lia, she's sitting there waiting for me, fiddling with her keys. So innocent and clueless. I curse myself for bringing her into my corrupt world.

When I finally leave the interrogation room, she takes my hand into hers, oblivious to the danger she was still in.

"I was thinking we go to some cafe for lunch," I suggest, "it's been a while since we went on a date." Her eyes light up but then I see something else going on in her mind.

"Wait till tonight, I'll take you on a real date." She says flirtatiously. I raise an eyebrow in interest. No girl has ever done that for me before.

"I don't think I can wait that long Lia," I say opening the car door for her.

"Trust me King," she whispers against my neck before sitting in the car "I'll make it worth the wait." And she shuts the door in my face.

I'm a still shook from that but control myself and get in the car to drive us back home.

As soon as we get home, she rushes me upstairs and 'forbids' me from coming downstairs.

"Just be ready for 8," she instructed "and look nice."

"I always look nice." I say cockily and she just rolls her eyes.

It's now almost eight and I decide to get into the shower. I spent most of my time looking at how the business was doing and I'm surprised to see that Lia kept it running smoothly by herself.

After showering I moisturise and change into a black suit with matching black leather shoes. At 7:59 I being walking down the stairs.

When I get downstairs I see Lia waiting there for me in a red silk dress that hugged her body perfectly. Her usually curly hair is straight and falling right above her bum.

"You" I'm struggling for words, and she's beginning to blush.

"Just come with me," she takes my hand and leads me to the backyard.

The entire lawn is covered with small fake candles and in the middle of there's a small table with a bottle of wine and a bouquet of roses.

We both sit down and I see a servant, dressed as a waiter open our wine and pour it in the glasses.

"So for dinner I made lobster," she boasts.

"You know how to make lobster?" I ask, a bit stunned.

"YouTube, my love." She winks. Soon enough the 'waiter' bring our plates of food.

Lia looks anxious as we both dig in but seems to relax when I tell her the food is nice. We spent the evening talking and eating.

Time really flew as I was lost in conversation with her. I glance at my watch and it's 11pm.

"So what's for dessert?" I ask jokingly.

"Me." She says confidently and walks to the bedroom and I couldn't resist following her.

Everyday I could her getting more and more comfortable with me, which I loved. Seeing her open up and gain confidence only made me love her more.

When we arrive in the bedroom she slips out of her dress, which slides effortlessly off of her body. She's in a sexy red lingerie set that highlights her curves.

I walk towards her, laying her into the bed and kissing her from her stomach up to her lips. She pulls away for a second and looks at me.

"Welcome home King." She purrs.

I'm craving her touch and I can tell she is too. This time it's fast paced, exciting and full of lust. Soft moans and groans fill the bedroom as we make love throughout the night.

The next morning, my alarm disrupts the peaceful aura of the room. Fuck, I have to go to see Eric. I gently untangle myself from Lia, who is fast asleep, the only thing she has on is her wedding ring.

Last night tired us both out and I knew she would still be asleep when I came back home. I quickly got ready, taking a cold shower as last nights memories came back.

"What do you want?" I ask bluntly, sitting opposite Eric in his rehabilitation centre.

"Is that any way to speak to your brother," he says and I'm not amused "all I wanted to tell you was that I've got eyes on you and that wife of yours."

"I fucking swear to God Eric if you touch me or her I will-"

"You'll what? There's nothing you can do bro," he laughs before willingly walking back to the nurse who handcuffs him and is taking him back to his cell.

I'll keep you safe Lia.

hey bitches💋
2 updates in one day?!
sorry if the sex scene is a bit cringe - smut isn't my strong point as an author
please let me know what you think🦋

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