Chapter 42

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"Your mum's name is Eva right?" Xavier asks me through the phone.

"Yep," I chirp, mentioning my mum always put me in a good mood "Eva Wallace, she never changed her surname."

"Ok thanks." His voice sounds shaky and uneasy, he hangs up without even saying bye and I'm starting to get worried.

I look around to see that Jasmine is passed out beside me. Dylan decided to live with his friend until the wedding to make things 'more exciting'.

"Morning, sleepy head." I shake Jasmine awake and her head emerges from her nest of curls.

"Let me sleep," she groans.

"You have work and I have a husband to go back to." I say seriously.

"Is everything good?" I'm guessing she noticed my change in tone.

"I'll find out when I get home, I don't want to stress out but Xavier sounded weirdly tense on the phone."

"Alright, I'm gonna leave in a bit, I'll drive you." She says and walks into the bathroom.

After about 20 minutes Jasmine's ready for work, I rush her so I can reach home before Xavier leaves for the office.

"Alright alright you here," she rolls her eyes as she pulls up to the house.

"I deserve a massive house and a billionaire husband," she mutters as she drives off and I shout a thank you to her.  I manage to catch Xavier as he's getting into his car.

"Morning," I smile at him. He says it back and gives me an awkward hug before getting in the car.

I tap on the window for him to roll it down. "Is everything ok?" I ask casually, I don't want to seem annoying if there's actually no problem.

"Everything is good Lia, I'll see you when I get home?" I nod and he drives off. I watch his car until I can't see it anymore before I go inside.

I binge trashy reality tv for a while before I hear someone knock on the door. I look through the window to see it's a woman from one of those repair companies.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I greet.

"Is Xavier King in?" She asks kind of rudely.

"No, but I'm his wife, anything I can do." I visibly cringe at how loud she's chewing her gum.

"He ordered a security system to be installed, d'you mind if I do it now?" She invites herself inside.

"Not at all." I go and sit back on the couch as she begins measuring out the walls and other things.

I'm guessing Xavier got a bit paranoid, which I can't blame him for and got a security system. Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't already have one.

"Hey King," I phone him.

"What's up?" He asks casually, I feel like he's a bit more calm now, probably because he's in his element at work.

"Just calling to let you know that the security system woman is here to install the cameras."

"Oh," he pauses "a guy was supposed to come." He says.

"They probably just had a change in staff, happens all the time." I shrug it off, he's thinking into it too much. "What I'm more surprised about is that you didn't have a security system before?"

"I didn't have you before." He says sweetly.

"Awwww," I say into the phone.

"Anything else?" I can tell he's rolling his eyes.

"No, bye King." I say.

"Bye, I love you." He says and ends the call.

The woman makes small conversation with me but mostly focusing on her work. Soon she takes an electric drill out of her toolbox and begins drilling.

The sound is so loud so I decide to go upstairs and sit in the office, which is the room furthest away from the door.

My phone had little battery so I decided to explore Xavier's office instead, I hadn't done much work-wise since Xavier began working again.

I read through some files to see that Kings Corp could be doing better. I noticed that that was one of Xavier's downfalls as a businessman.

He would often get comfortable with success and didn't strive to be even greater. I play around and make a quick plan on a piece of scrap paper on how to improve and decide to leave it on the desk for him to see.

I look around more and open a small drawer to see a 2/3 small crumpled brown envelopes, they're both labelled to Xavier.

I open the envelope, my curiosity getting the best of me. As I unfold the paper I hear the woman call out my name downstairs.

I jog downstairs leaving the envelopes and see what she needs. She just lets me know that she's finished and she waves me a goodbye before leaving quietly.

I was about to make some lunch in the kitchen when I realise I left my phone upstairs, I usually like to listen to music whilst cooking.

I go back upstairs and grab my phone, but the damn envelopes grabs my eye. I unfold the letter I had already taken out and read it.

I've got eyes on her, make sure you do too.

What? I decide to open the other one before I think of anything. I hastily open the second envelope.

I may not have been able to kill her but I'll make sure the job is done.
Love Eric.

I quickly put the envelopes back exactly the way I found them, take my phone and put on my shoes. A few minutes later I'm in the high-street and hail a cab.

"Where would you like to go ma'am?"  The cab driver asks in his heavy New York accent.

"The New York Mental Rehabilitation Center please."

hey bitches💋
sorry for the long wait, i had some things going on in my private life.
i hope you enjoyed this chapter and please let me know your opinions🦋
lockdown is eased in most countries, but please stay safe and don't go out too much❣️

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