Chapter 28

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"How's the married life?" Mr Walker asks me as I sit down for our meeting.

"Can't complain," I shrug and move on to business talk, the less he talked about Lia the better. He nods and begins talking about our contract.

"So have we got a deal..?" Mr Walker asks, it had been an hour and we had finalised a deal for Kings Corp. in Australia.

"Yes we do," I shake his hand and walk out.

I get in the Uber and check Instagram to see that Lia has posted a selfie with my dad, my eyebrows raise in humour and I just like it and decide to ask her later.

My hotel was only a few minutes away from Mr Walkers office and I was soon home. I got changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a wifebeater and headed to the gym.

Whilst I was running on the treadmill I got an incoming FaceTime call from Lia.  I answered.

"Hey King," her emerald eyes gleamed. She was in a grey hoodie that was unzipped enough that I could see her collarbones and a pair of pink booty shorts.

"I hope my brother isn't home whilst your wearing that, wife," I joke, she just giggles. She's not looking at me but painting her toes whilst talking to me.

"No he's gone to a party or something." She mumbles, her hair is in a bun and a few stray strands framed her face. She tried to blow them away but failed, making me chuckle.

"Oh you're at the gym." She says when she looks up to fix her hair.

"Like what you see?" I joke and show her my abs after getting off the treadmill.

"What a douche," she mumbles to herself.

"Someone has to be the pretty one in the relationship," I shrug.

"It's definitely me King," she winks. Definitely.

"Do you like what you see?" She asks, for a second I thought she was talking about herself and my answer would definitely be yes - but she was just mimicking me.

She shows me the selfie of her and my dad from her laptop, "I still can't believe you managed to get a selfie with him." I laugh.

"I can do anything King." She smiles proudly and she looks gorgeous so I take a screenshot of the call. "Anyway it's almost 1am here I just wanted to check in with you, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Is the Mrs beginning to care about me now?" I smirk, I knew I was getting under her skin and she just rolls her eyes.

"Goodnight King."

"Goodnight Lia." I say and end the call.

It was only 6pm so I decided to go out. Usually I would call a woman to spend the night with but now I couldn't and I didn't want to. I put on a buttoned up shirt and casual pants before heading to the bar.

Arriving at the bar, I sat on the stool and asked the bartender for a whiskey.  As I was sipping my drink and watching basketball on the tv screens a woman sat next to me.

She was my usual type. Tall and tanned with long blonde hair and killer red lips, all wrapped in a tight black dress. She made seductive eyes towards me but didn't say anything.

I looked away. 'You're a married man.' were the words ringing in my head. I took a deep breath, sipped my drink and continued to watch the game.

Throughout the night I kept on stealing glances at her but to my surprise she was getting less and less attractive every time. Her golden blonde hair now just look basic and ordinary and her tight black dress made her look attention-needy.

What did I even see in the first place?

I took a cab back to my hotel.  Tomorrow night I would be back in New York where everything was perfect.

Especially her...

Staying away from her made me feel uneasy. Her angelic laughter, the innocent eyes, her irreplaceable presence. I craved it. She called out to me and whenever I heard it I was drawn in like a moth to a flame.

She was my siren.

Ringing unapologetically in my life and I let her.

I stare at the blank ceiling, "What have you got yourself into now Xavier." I face palm myself before I finally drift into a sleep after tossing and turning for hours.

My already packed bags sat at my hotel door as I patiently wait for my car to arrive and soon enough it's here.

"To the airport please." I tell the driver and he begins driving. I'm not meant to be arriving for another week but I'm hoping Lia will appreciate the surprise.

There's a bellboy waiting to take my bag but I knew that would make it even longer so I just drag it onto my jet.

I decide to do some office work during the flight - trying to occupy myself. I don't even know why I am in such a hurry to see Lia but I tell myself I want to rescue her from my brother's place.

I want to be her knight in shining armour.

"Mr King we will be landing in 5 minutes." The air hostess wakes me up. I got to the bathroom to wash my face and see a pair of earrings on the sink.

I instantly know who they belong to, but it really wasn't hard she's the only woman who has come onto the jet that wasn't a businesswoman.

A rushed hour later I found myself knocking on Lia's bedroom door at Eric's home. I opened the door to see Lia fixing the pillowcases with her back towards me.

"Hey Eric, I'll be down in a sec for breakfast, just tidying up."

"It's a little late for breakfast, don't you think?.." I say and she freezes.

Within seconds her arms are wrapped around my neck and her legs around my torso as she plants a kiss on my cheek. She stares at me for a couple seconds.

"I missed you Lia..." I finally say, breaking the silence.

"I missed you too.."

Her golden skin was illuminated by the sunlight that peeked through the blinds and her emerald eyes looked into mine. I took in all her beauty, staring at the goddess in my arms.

I placed on hand on her cheek, my massive hand covering half her face. Before I could make another move she grabs my shirt in her fist, pulling my lips onto hers.

I felt like I was revived, a thirsty man falling into an oasis. As if a jolt of electricity connected us. Her soft hands grazed my cheek and I wrapped both my arms around her waist.

"Breakfast is served.." she whispers against my earlobe before her lips make her way down to my neck.

back and I'm better baby💋 apologies for the absence but hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and I have many more coming🤙🏽

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