Chapter Six

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      When kamal didn't hear from Amal in almost two weeks now, his worries knew no measure

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When kamal didn't hear from Amal in almost two weeks now, his worries knew no measure.

The Last time they had talked, everything was fine between them, and then she had vanished on the face of the earth. It wasn't something he has done, they were good.
He had asked Samira about her friend, and she had told him that Amal's parents had to relocate and so did Amal.

Why would she leave without even a good bye, it just didn't add up.

He knew Samira had no reason to lie to him but deep down he suspected she was lying to him.
He was getting distraught.
He would pay Samira another visit today, he thought.

Amal have had five cycles of chemotherapy within a period of ten days. It had been ten days of pure hell. Even though she had been sedated most of the time, she didn't fail to feel the chemicals not only destroying the tumor cells, it was destroying the good normal ones too.

Two words for that? Collateral damage.

When ever she was awake, she was moody and very tired. She couldn't eat and she kept vomiting which thus manifested in a sudden weight loss. Her eyes were sunken and she was cachexic.
And oh, her hair. She was loosing her hair.
Dr Salma had assured her that all those were expected as side effects of the drugs and they would be reversible when the therapy was over. Amal had to took her word for it, it was better than no hope at all.

On the last day of her last chemotherapy cycle, Dr Salma had announced that she was good to be booked for surgery.
Amal was glad, she was tired of feeling terrible.
She was booked for lumpectomy in two days.

Samira had just came back from the hospital when she saw Kamal's BMW parked in their driveway.

Not Kamal again, she sighed. It had been a tiring day, and dealing with Kamal was just as tiring. She entered the house.
Kamal was in the sitting room, she greeted him and joined him on the sofa.

"I came looking for you and my aunt said she had no idea where you went" he said.

"Oh yeah, i must have forgotten to tell her i was going to the university, we have resumed and registration is in progress" she lied

"I see" Kamal pondered "and not by any chance is Amal coming back to school?"
She was waiting for that.

"I told you earlier, they left, all the family. I dont think she'll come back, not even for school".

"She must have left a forwarding address, a number or something, i mean come on Samira, you guys are best friends"

"Hmmmm" Samira said "we are not that close as u might think"

That was all he has to hear. It was clear to him. He didn't need a fancy psychology degree to figure out Samira was lying to him, but why?

Kamal returned home with no answers. What ever this was, Amal was trying hard to keep it away from him and if she was trying this hard to avoid him then he was going to respect her and let her be, for how long though? He didn't know.

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