Chapter Sixteen

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Because it was the cold season, Amal was head over heels with hot tea: if not for anything, for the sizzling warmth it transmits to her body

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Because it was the cold season, Amal was head over heels with hot tea: if not for anything, for the sizzling warmth it transmits to her body.
Amal and Kamal were in their sitting room, alone as usual: cuddled into each other. The room heater giving the atmosphere a warm conducive feel. They were watching a food contest.
Amal eased herself away from Kamal, she stood and went to the kitchen.

"Kamal" she called from within the kitchen.

"Na'am" Kamal answered

"I'm making tea, will you care for a cup?" She asked. Amal knew substantively what Kamal's answer would be.

Being Kamal's wife, Amal had learned the hard way a couple of things about Kamal. One amongst was: when ever she wanted to make a cup of tea and asked Kamal if he wanted one, he goes like 'hmm i don't think so': and she'll go ahead to make her self a cup, then Kamal will convincingly want to have a sip of her tea. If only he will just have a sip, but no, Kamal will make sure he finishes the tea with her: taking almost three quarters of it. Every single time.

Initially Amal thought that was Kamal's way of annoying her but subsequently she realized he had no idea he was doing that. So Amal had made it her little amusement to ask him if he wanted tea and waited for him to say 'no'. It always made her chuckle and it never seem to get old. The fact that Kamal didn't know she made fun of him on that only makes it better.
She waited for his reply.

"Tea?" Kamal asked from the sitting room

"Yes Kamal, tea. Do you want some?" Amal replied, she was on the verge of laughter but she maintained "wait for it Amal" she told herself silently.

"Hmmm no, i'm good" Kamal replied, very sure he didn't want any.

Amal almost leaped for victory, she had won again. She laughed silently in her sleeve at his unawareness.
She was done laughing, Amal sort out a big mug from the cabinet, she had long learned to use the bigger mugs.

She came back to the sitting room, a mug in her hand. She smiled jovially at Kamal before she took a sit beside him.

"Why are you smiling?" Kamal asked suspicious
She laughed

"So now Kamal do i need a reason to be happy in my own house?" She replied as he placed the mug on the center piece. She leaned forward and kissed Kamal gently on the cheek.
"What did i miss on the show?" She asked him.

"Your guy is loosing" Kamal announced happily

"No" Amal almost screamed "he made that thing with avocado" She enunciated sadly and Kamal laughed.

"That thing? You dont even know the name. My guy made sauced pan-sautéed steak with french fries, he's definitely winning i tell you" Kamal said confidently as he made to pick up the mug on the center piece, he sipped the tea.
Amal smiled silently to herself.

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