Cas the Cat

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Castiel was your boyfriend, guardian angel that is. Both of you were really close for all your life and it was a nice way to spend you life, You were silently doing your homework. Humming a random tune going into your head, You were computing. You were at your house left alone and you knew that if You called Cas, It would disturb him from his heaven business. You sighed then continued computing, You suddenly heard Angel wing flapping.

" Hello (Y/N) " You hissed in shock, silently screeching, " What the ever loving hell, Cas!? " You said in shock, " Hell isn't loved that much. " He said, " I know, What are you doing here? I thought you were doing your business heaven? " You stood up then hugged him, " I felt that you were feeling lonely. " He said, as he hugged back in a big warm bear hug, " I missed you, now. Are you here to stay now? " You asked ever so shyly, " No, But I do have a question. " He said, " What? " You asked, " Do you want a cat? " He said, " For what? " You asked, " Just answer my question, Do you want a cat? " He said in a serious tone, " Uh... Well... Okay. " You answered, He then handed you a black cat then vanished like a bubble in thin air.

" I'll name you Cas the Cat. " You smiled as the cat purred. Well at least you weren't alone anymore.

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