Meeting at the park

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Fandom : Marvel, The Avengers

Character : Loki Laufeyson

You were sitting at the park, painting the beautiful view. As you painted, the sunset was there. After you finished painting, You sat on a bench. It was starting to darken, You sat on the onky bench with a streetlamp on it. It was obviously terrifying but you weren't that terrified. You were actually in love with the view, You were in love the dew on the grass was shining at the moonlight. The wind blew slightly as the trees followed. The fireflies flew around, Your heart warmed. Until there was a voice that spoke, " Beautiful isn't it? " He said, You looked at him with wide eyes. He was rather handsome, okay, He was really handsome. As the fireflies flew around the both of you, You smiled, " That smile is also beautiful. " He said. You stared at him, His raven hair was perfect. His pale face fitted the view, His Smile made you want to melt! " Loki, Loki Laufeyson. " He said with a smile, " ( Y/N ) ( L/N ) " You said as you smiled back, He was perfect. The name fitted him perfectly, " Your name fits you perfectly. " He said, You felt exhausted, You yawned. " Tired all ready, Love? " He asked with a soft smile, " Oh. . . Um. . . I'm sorry, It's just that I was still here in the morning. " You said while looking away, " Oh if You want, We shall meet up here, once again for tomorrow. " He said softly, You smiled then nodded. You stood up and held your painting, He suddenly held your wrist. Before you could respond, He kissed you immediately. You kissed back, His lips were ice cold. Yours was warm, It was a perfect combination. It felt amazing, You broke the kiss then said your goodbyes, " Tomorrow, okay? " You said, " Okay. " He said back. The both of you kept meeting at the park, He asked you out the other day and Who wouldn't say yes? You said yes and smiled, It was a nice restaurant. It was rather fancy, But you loved it. You loved him.

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