Working late. . . Again

815 14 0

Fandom : Marvel, The Avengers

Character : Thor Odinson

You worked all day, It was late at night. Thor, Your boyfriend, was at home. Waiting like a lost puppy, You bought him more poptarts to entertain him while you were away wasting your energy. You typed all the way, you needed to finish this. Obviously, Your boss was a dick. He made you suffer rather than the others, You drank your 10th coffee. You had tired bags under your eyes, you blinked away the exhaustion. You typed until you didn't notice that your friend, Joan, tapped your shoulder. She was like you, The both of were best friends. She met Thor before and she was amazed, You didn't understand why but you would be either if you met him for the first time. Joan tapped your shoulder again, You just typed and ignored her. Thinking that it was just nothing, " ( Y/N )!! " She screamed to your ear, You drank your coffee again then almost spitted it, " What the fuck Joan!? " You screeched, " Geez, Sorry. But you are slaving your ass while your little God is waiting at home. " She said, you got back to typing not listening to her. " ( Y/N )!!!! " She screeched out until the whole empty office could echo it back, " What!? " You said back, You were almost. Almost. But like Ariana said, " Almost is never enough ". You sighed, " We should get home, fast. It's like almost 2 am. " She said, " I stay up longer at home, About 7 am. " You said then typed again. Just one last sentence! You typed it immediately, After you did. You printed it out then putted it at the folder, Jumping around and failing a back flip. You were contented, You putted it at your Boss's table then did a victory dance. Joan chuckled then waved a good bye, You got home fast then saw Thor. He seemed like he waited for you, he laid at the couch while watching the TV again. You told him not to watch too much, You saw the phone you gave him crushed at the ground with little crumbs of poptarts. You were confused, then you checked your phone and saw Thor sent 100 texts. You checked it all and saw the last text said,

" Lady ( Y/N ),

I may or may not have ate all the poptarts again. My sincere apologiessssssssibdirnhfkf. "

You sigh then you knew he broke it accidentally, You forgive him for that. You woke him up with a kiss in the cheek, he smiled at you when he saw your beautiful gorgeous ( E/C ) eyes. He kissed your forehead then carried you to the room in a bridal style after he cleaned up his mess and turned off the TV and explained the phone accident. You chuckled along the way to the room as he gently laid you there and he laid too, making the bed bounce abit. You chuckled and kissed him a goodnight as he wrapped his long muscular arms around you. You fell asleep as soon as you felt safe in his arms while comfortably nuzzling his muscular chest for awhile.

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