Taking a picture of you wouldn't hurt

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Fandom : Sherlock ( BBC )

Character : Shercat Pawlmes ( Actually it's just Sherlock. :3 )

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You woke up with Sherlock beside you with his arms wrapped around you, You smiled then kissed his forehead. You didn't even plan of standing up actually, You tried to grab your laptop but then his grip tighted around your waist. You letted out a sigh then grabbed your laptop, At fucking last. You thought then you opened it, You felt Sherlock let go then put his chin on your shoulder, " Good mornin' " You said with a smile then you pecked his cupid's bow lips, He smiled then nodded with agreement. He stood up and walked out in boredom, You stood up and took a bath. After a bath, You noticed Sherlock was doing experiments seriously, " Take a bath, Sherlock! " You screamed then he groaned in annoyance, He stood up then stomped his way to the bathroom like a little child not getting what he wants. You smiled then you walked back to the room to get your laptop, You grabbed it gently, then strode to the couch. You laid there then got a pillow at your stomach then laid the laptop exactly at the laptop, You started browsing.

Hours has literally passed, You hadn't notice Sherlock get out of the bathroom or did he? You didn't know, You felt hunger strike once again. You felt it awhile ago but you didn't mind it, maybe because food isn't as important as your blog and such things in it, You admired how many your followers were. Or how you thing how many they were, You thank them a lot. Hunger shot into you like a bullet, You sighed, Curse this human body, You thought then you walked to the refrigerator then opened it, " Holy shit! " You screeched out, What a surprise! A head! You thought then walked back at the couch, Feels like my home all over again, No food. Only internet to keep me up and alive. You thought once again then you looked around, " Dark already? " You said then you noticed you were alone, You were used to being alone. You then heard the door open and the light switched open, " ( Y/N )? Still up so late? I noticed you haven't notice that I have obviously left while you were typing with small giggles at your laptop, Still no crimes but will soon find some. " Sherlock said without a breath with plastic bags at both of his hands, You sighed then walked to John's chair. Sherlock handed some fish and chips to you, You couldn't help but eat it too fast that you can even beat flash on a eating contests. While you ate, Sherlock stared at you, observed you with youe cheeks stuffed. You looked like a squirrel, You felt like a squirrel. You then saw Sherlock chuckle for abit then he ate his fish and chips, You couldn't help but smile at him. You then grabbed your laptop but before you even could Sherlock then grabbed it then placed at his lap with the pillow, you sighed in annoyance. He's been blabbing about how and who while you took a cat nap, You slept there then He took a picture of you and made it as his lock screen and posted at your blog,

When you woke up, You stretched and heard all your bones crack in pain of sitting in John's chair, You saw and heard Sherlock playing you favorite violin tune then you grabbed your laptop. You were first all bored then you saw almost a billion favorites and retweets at your blog, " What in bloody hell!? " You screamed in excitement and confusion, He stopped playing at looked at you without moving. You saw a picture of yourself sleeping at John's chair tiredly, " WHAT IN BLOODY HELL!? " You screamed then you saw the post was, ' Not John but better, Somehow the adorablest female alive and nearly best and greatest companion and ' Girlfriend '.

- SH " You weren't even sure why the heck it has a billion, HOW THE HECK DOES IT HAVE A BILLION? Oh, maybe the fans? Maybe the haters? You weren't sure but you heard Sherlock say, " I tried to cook breakfast but I ended up burning the bacon, Mind helping me out? " He said as he still stood still with his violin still at his neck like he was playing with his eyes open, It made you nervous but you nodded, " Taking a picture wouldn't hurt, would it? "

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