Magic can make everything better

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Fandom : Once Upon A Time

Character : Jefferson, Mad Hatter.

Dedicated to : @

< □■□ >

You woke up early and made breakfast, you always woke up early because well Jeffy will teach you today. He promised and well you begged and whined, he got annoyed then he promised. It waa actually hilarious, well you were excited. So very excited. You wanted to jump in a building, you saw him. Still taking his beauty sleep, " Wakey wakey, Sleeping beauty! " You said as held his shoulder and shook, he groaned in annoyance. He turned with a pillow on his head, you poked him. Again and again and again. You were like a child, a kid wanting candy. You were childish, really childish. You sighed then pouted, " But you proooomissssed, C'mon Jeffy. " You whined, " Don't call me, " Jeffy ", my name is Jefferson not Jeffy. " He said muffledly, " Aw. But you promissssed. " You whined again, you laid on top of him then he sat up. Intenseness was between you two, you were laying at his lap as the both of you stared at each other. You didn't like intense moment, you then poked his nose with a smile, " Boop! ", The both of you chuckled then he teached you magic. You were amazed with dazzling eyes, you admired him. You tried then failed then tried then he asisted you, after a long day of magic. You threw yourself at your bed then you fluttered close your eyes, You were having a nightmare suddenly. He was there, but he was trying to kill you. You were getting strangled by Jeffy, You struggled but you saw wrath at his eyes. You then sat up with wide eyes, beads of sweat. You looked at the clock, 2 am. Too early, you sighed then you remembered every single thing of it. You were scared, you stood up then walked to Jefferson's room while shivering. You shook him abit then he looked at you with tired eyes, " I had a nightmare. " You said softly, he was shocked. He then sat up then you told him your nightmare, He frowned then showed you more of his magic as he hugs you then the both of you slept with each other. Not really with each other but you slept in his arms with your head on his chest, and you loved sleeping like this.

// Whoops! Too OC? Apologies, I haven't watch OUAT, just season 1 and well school is a douche.

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