Can you be the Arthur to my Merlin?

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Character : Collin Morgan

You were walking late at night, You came back from cosplaying at a Con. And your friend asked you out to play at her house more, you nodded but her boyfriend came and she told you " Maybe we can continue our roleplay tomorrow. " She said, you sighed and you left your car keys at her house. Obviously, no cabs. So you had to walk home, You were so lost in your thoughts that you bumped a tall man. It was too dark, you couldn't see but you held his neck accidentally. The street lamps suddenly works and you saw a handsome man with Blue? Green? You don't know but you were hypnotized by his beauty. You couldn't move but he holds your waist and makes you stand up properly, " Um, Sorry. I didn't mean to bump inti you, The street lamps were being a asshat. " You said as he chuckled, " It's fine, Um... What's your name? I mean Not to be too sudden bu-- " You cutted him off, " ( Y/N ) ( L/N ). " You said with a warm smile, " You are trying to cosplay um who? " he asked, " Oh um Female Arthur, I didn't buy a wig. Sorry. " You chuckled, He smiled. " Um I'm Colin by the way. " He says, " Oh Don't tell me you're Colin Morgan. " You say with a chuckle, " Actually I am Colin Morgan. " He said with a warm chuckle, " Uh-huh, Cosplaying? " You asked. You couldn't believe him, It's impossible! " No, And really. Are you really Colin? " You asked, " Yes, Really. " He chuckled.

The both of you talked all night, he admired you more and more. Until the sun started to rise, " I have to go. " You said, " Oh um one last question. " He said as he held your waist, " Can you be the Arthur to my Merlin? " He said as he connected his forehead with yours, You smiled and nodded. He kissed your lips gently and passionately, " See you tomorrow, " Arthur ". " He said as he broke the kiss, You almost melted on the ground but then you finally saw a taxi and called it and you got home safely. As you laid in bed, You couldn't wait for tomorrow as you tried to sleep.

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