I love you

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Character : Tom Hiddleston


Reader's P.O.V.

You typically a unpopular celebrity, Literally but you were thankful that you had a job. You admired other celebrities, mostly Tom Hiddleston. You admired him, You just loved how he acted as Loki Laufeyson, You loved him. He was really kind, you just met him once but you bet he forgot your name already because you knew you were nothing compared to other girls wanting to be a celebrity but you? You didn't even care but you loved acting, you weren't that great and you knew that you weren't but it was slightly confusing that they still made you a celebrity but still, thus be thankful that you weren't the ones out there whining to get a job. Anyway, you just woke up, knowing that you had your eyes half-opened and hair tangled everywhere. You stood up to make coffee until there was a knock at your door, you fixed your bed head then drank the hot coffee and you burned your tongue. You cursed under your breath then walked to the door, making sure you looked as neat as a normal celebrity is. " Um hello ma'am, You have been hired to act at the new movie ' Avengers : Age of Ultron ' " A man said with a warm and welcoming smile but he wasn't cute enough, You smiled back and he told you to sign in a contract. Before you did sign it, You had to read the whole thing, After reading. You looked at who signed it, Hiddleston, Hemsworth, Evans, Johansson, Renner, Downey Jr., Ruffalo, and many more. How am I even doing this?! I mean I'm a nothing, and well um there uh amazing! I suck and They have a billions of fangirls. You thought then you signed it, " Please be there early, Oh and please do put your phone number there for any emergencies ready to happen, you may collect the other's numbers but please do so follow the instructions I am saying, Thank you. " He said then you wrote your number before you could take a paper at the table he handed you a print of the other casts number, you smiled and thank him before he left. You yawned then closed the door then you added all the numbers at your phone, You suddenly received a text.

" Hey Mrs. ( Y/L ), right?

You should be there, we'll give you 30 minutes said the director. And it's Chris Evans by the way.

:) " You after reading it you then slightly smiled, You made breakfast and wore a ' The Fault In Our Stars ' shirt then jeans. You braid your hair at the side then got your small Tardis backpack then you got your Sherlock like scarf but it was red then you wore your trench coat. You walked out then drove to the studio, You were exhausted already as you drove. You listened to some AC/DC songs while humming along, then you reached the studio. You got out your car with your TARDISpack then you saw the others, you felt different and wanting to get in your shell. You saw Chris Evans wave at you, " Hey Um ( Y/N ), right? " He said with a smile, You nodded then you sat at the corner, Good thing you didn't forget your phone. You brought it out and noticed a text,

" Um Hey there. " Hiddleston texted whike he was at the other corner, You waved at him as he waved back,

" Hello. :) " You texted,

" You look beautiful, do you know your role? " He texted with a smile, You slightly blushed,

" Um, No. " You texted,

" Oh shame then, Well usually still Loki here. And I've heard you'll be a fiancè of Loki? I don't know, they said so themselves. " He texted, You blushed again but then Scarlett walked to you. You have been into a movie with her but you were just another starring role, " Hi there, ( Y/N ). Never seen you for a year or so? But you look like a dork, girl, but you also look adorable! " She said, you giggled at the ' Girl ' part, " Well you still look hot, How is that possible? " You said, " My middle name is Hot. " She said as a joke because you said that once when you first met, expect you were all " My middle name is Dork " You said back then. You chuckled but then Tom texted once again, " Something funny, Love? " He texted, " Ohh!! You're texting Tom over there, huh? " She said as she leaned her chin at your shoulder, " Shh! You have no rights to disturb me, you mewling quim! " You said with a giggle, " Uh-huh, I have all the rights. " She said back, " What's my role anyway? " You asked, " Loki's love interest, You'll have a kissing scene! " Scarlett said in excitement and a eyebrow wriggle, You slightly blushed.

As an hour passed, You talked with the others and met them. You were tired already, But them the energy came when Tom greeted you, " Hello there, ( Y/N ), correct? " He said with a warm smile, " Oh uh Hello there, Tom. I have so many things to tell about you! " You said, he nodded meaning that he wanted you to continue, " I love you. " You said, he blushed in the sudden answer, " " You said, He nodded slightly. You knew he couldn't move on on what you said, admiration weren't easy to explain.

Tom's P.O.V.

I could not believe her. She said She loved me! It must be a joke? Is it? I suddenly blushed at what she said, I was shocked and confused but you loved what she said. " I mean um uh is that you are amazing, I admire you. A lot. " She said, I suddenly realized that she just admires you. I nod but I was slightly upset, I liked her already. She was adorable, beautiful, her voice could make me want to jump off a building myself, she wasn't that tall. Which made her adorable, I stare at her ( E/C ) while getting lost in my thoughts.

Reader's P.O.V.

After talking to him and snapping him out of his thoughts, When they told you that you and Tom will go shoot the scenes tomorrow. You nodded then Hugged Tom a goodbye then you drove home.

The other day, You were awaken with a phone call. You slightly yawned then answered it, " Hello, love, You seem to be late. " The familiar voice said, Tom, " What time is it?! " You said as you stood up and ran to the bathroom, " We took a few scenes without you but tho shall not worry, We shall repeat it when you are here. " He said with a chuckle, You had to put it at loud speaker then you took a fast shower, " Finished showering, dear? " He said as you wore

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