Wind In My Hair

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Fandom : Homestuck

Character : John Egbert, Wind of Heir! I MEAN HEIR OF WIND.

< ÷÷÷ >

You sighed then started to play with your hood, you were The ( Class and Aspect). You sighed then played with your hair while humming and eating your favorite food and reading your book, obviously, the wind was forming a tornado infront of you. John, must have been John. The wind suddenly stops but there was a figure at your hair, under it actually. You sighed with a smile, " Heya ( Y/N ) " John said as he kissed the back of your neck, You giggled then smiled. " Oh noo guys, Roose, Jaade, Daaave!! " You dramatically said, " Heeeelp!! There's a wind in my heir!! " You linked, Rose gave you a " Hardy-Har-Har" face while Jade narrows her eyebrows at the both of you while Dave tried to fix her hair. Trying to braid it but eventually failing, which made it funny. Your Boyfriend, John turned you around and kissed you gently. His hands was wrapped around your waist while you continued kissing him gently, you smiled while feeling safe around him as you wrap your arms around his neck and the other was ruffling his hair.

// Guess who added Homestuck!!!!  It's Juliaaa the laaazy writer, yeyeyeyeye. I tried okay, please request if You want a Homestuck one-shot and many more fandoms. Well also will add Harry Potter, Bleh just bleh. I'm just veryyyyy nervous because the readers ( which is you)  is starting to gain, which made me flail and screech. Because I do not deserve this but thank you anyway, darlings! 

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