Cosplaying Lovers

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Fandom : Sherlock ( BBC )

Character : Sherlock Holmes

You woke up beside Sherlock with his arms wrapped around your waist with his face buried at the croock of your neck, He's hot breath woke you up. Your and his legs was slightly tangled up, You fluttered your eyes open like what Dean did as he laid at the bed. You looked at Sherlock for abit then you gently removed his arms around you, You sighed as he groaned in annoyance then held you tighter. You giggled quietly then removed his arms once again, You couldn't move now. You reached for your Laptop and saw that there was an E-mail, You opened it. There was a case, You sighed deeply in annoyance. " Sherlock. " You said, He groaned once again. You smiled then covered his face with kisses and gave his lips a deep kiss, " There's a case. " You broke the kiss then spoke it, Sherlock sat up in excitement. " A case? But I had plans for today. " He said as he looked at you with a pout, " I thought you loved cases? " You asked with a smile, " I just want to stay here, and just I don't know do as I planned. " He said as he rolled his eyes with a smile, " Uh-huh. " You said with a smile, " You before Cases. " He said, this made you laugh. " I thought Cases before Me. " You said with a chuckle, He walked to you and kissed your lips deeply. After the long moment of kissing, " Fine, I'll decline the case and move it tomorrow. " He smiled brightly then held your hand, You almost dropped the laptop. He pushed you to the bathroom and the both of you took a bath together, Then he told you to wear a dress. You wore you blue tardis dress, You loved the dress. Sherlock knew you loved Doctor who and He bought it for you. You even wore you blue heels, It fitted it. You even wore you tardis ribbon, You putted it at the middle of your ( Long/Short ) ( H/C ) it was beautiful. You made a small twirl as the dress made a beautiful twirl, You smiled at how it made you look and feel like TARDIS. You walked to see Sherlock dressed as the Doctor, You smiled an jumped abit. He chuckled, " I was thinking off the what do you call that? " Cosplaying ". " He said with a smug smile, He even tried to do the 11th Doctor's hair. It was still fluffy and all, He putted a red fez on his head which made you jump even more.

You suddenly hear a knock at the door, You sighed and then Sherlock opened the door, " What in bloody hell??? " John said in shock, Mary was beside him. You chuckled, " I tried my best, I know. " Sherlock said, " You chuckled and smiled, Mary smiled back and walked in. She hugged you, " Oh ( Y/N ), You look beautiful. Don't tell me you guys are going Cosplaying, Oh my. You are! You cosplaying lovers. " She said as she hugged you, John was still confused and shocked. " You moved the case for. . . This?! " John screamed, " ( Y/N ) said so, Blame her. Actually It was my plan. " He said with a smug smile and you kissed his cheek, " He did it for me, Reasons I don't leave Sherlock. " You said with a smile, " Well, Were off to cosplay now, See you. Have a nice day, John and Mary. " You said as Sherlock opened the door and You walked out , " Allons-y! " Sherlock screamed as he letted out his Sonic screwdriver. John was shocked with his mouth opened and Mary clapping in amusement. " I did that right, right? Or is that from the 10th Doctor? " Sherlock said as he got out either, " You did great. " You said as you walked beside him, even if you knew he was wrong.

But That day was amazing. Cosplaying with the others, they even said that the both of you were Adorable. They took pictures and Sherlock whispered his deductions, It was nice. Maybe this can also happen next time.

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