My guardian angel is a babe

799 15 2

Fandom : Supernatural

Character : The princess of Tumblr, Dean Winchester!

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Third Person's P.O.V.

You were an Angel, literally. You were Castiel's little sister and the others, you were the youngest one at heaven, But you weren't like a kid. You were just sometimes childish, the usual. Castiel was always away, " ( Y/N ), I have to finish business here. Do you mind if you take a good eye for Dean? Like a guardian angel, Which I am but The both of the Winchesters. " Castiel said, putted down your headphones that Gabriel gave you then you book, " Um yes, What? " You asked, staring at his blue eyes with your light ( E/C ). He repeated the whole thing, " Which Dean? Brother, you do know humans name there seeds or um ' Children ' the same names. They'd name them from angels sometimes. " You said, " Dean Winchester. " He said, " Oh! The Hunter? But Gabe told me he was a bore! And Balthy told me that he confuses angels from you. " You whined, " He would not, ( Y/N ), Just threaten him when he does not listen to you. " He said, You took a deep breath then nodded. You gently laid your book at your book shelf, You sighed again. Walking away for abit then making the puppy eyes at Castiel, " Just go down there, He would not bite. Expect if you are a pie but you are not, He would not bite. " He said, You smiled a good bye but before you teleported away, You hugged Castiel a good bye and good luck. You folded your light ( F/C ) wings, You teleported to the other angels and hugged them a good bye. Gabriel gave you a ( F/C ) beanie then 10 bags of sweets, " Don't play too much with them, kiddo, they can be such idiots sometimes but I love that samaquach down there, K? Don't make-out with Dean-o down there. " He said with a wink, You hugged Balthazar then he gave you old but delicious and classy wine, " Balthy, Raphael told me to not take your wines! Winey wimey, I ain't takey takey it. " You said, He chuckled then nodded and hugged you anyway. Then you left.

You landed on the ground, You felt slightly bored then you looked around. It was beautiful. You saw the forest and saw a bunny, You picked it up and petted it. You letted it go then you walked around the black thingy road with yellow lines in the middle, You saw a light ahead. Dad?  You thought then it didn't hit you but it crashed at the side, You heard whining at the truck. You walked to it to see a man, he had shards splitting his flesh with spilling blood everywhere. You walked towards him, " Hello, Do you know who Dean Winchester is? " You asked then tilted your head, He whimpered then fell on the ground. He lost all his blood, You sighed then your heard the angel radio, " Are you serious, ( Y/N with a y at the end ) ? Killed a person already? Just don't follow the yellow lines, It ain't yellow candy canes. I'll just tell you where. " You heard Gabe say, You nodded then you followed his instruction, You saw an apartment. It looked disgusting, You walked up the stairs then you saw a door.

" Go on, knock. Knock. Don't tell me you don't know how to  knock. " He said,

" I don't. " You answered,

You then teleported inside the small apartment, You saw the green apple eyes looking at you with shock with his cheeks full of pie and cheeks with crumbs. " Hello Dean. " You said seriously, " Who the fuck are you!? " He hissed then pulled out his knife then stabbed you in the chest, You didn't crack. " I am ( Y/N ), Your guardian angel. " You said then you pulled the knife out then dropped it at the floor, " But I thought Cas was? " He said, " Oh. Apologies but I will be, I suppose. Temporarily. " You said then you got stabbed in your chest while he swallowed the pie in his mouth, You stared at his apple green eyes. He was like the princesses at ' Disney ', He stared at your light ( E/C ). You pulled the knife at your chest with a ' I'm an angel, You asshat, Don't ever stab me because it's annoying. ' look, You threw the knife at the wall, " Hey De-- Holy shit!? " The tall moose screeched then dodged the knife, " Who the fuck is this assassin!? " The hazel eyed screamed in shock and confusion, " I am the sister of Castiel, The angel of the lord. Dean's guardian angel temporarily but I am here to guide the both of you, meaning that I am not only Dean's angel but also You, Sam. " You said, staring at Sam, " Oh. Guess throwing a knife at the person your guarding is considered then. " He said with a bitch face and a sassy tone, " Have you even been here? I mean, where is Castiel? " The green eyed man asked as he stood up and putted his hand at his waist then the hazel eyed walked to stand beside the other, " No, But Castiel and my other brothers and sister have told me about here. I am the youngest angel from the others, " You said, " Wow, um your vessel is pretty adorable. " Dean said with a smile, " I. . . Um . . . Thank you. " You whispered with a blush coming up from my vessel's cheek.

You have been with the Winchesters for a week, or so. You appeard and couldn't stop yourself from re-appearing, Maybe it was for Dean. You thought, You appeard as they were at the Chevrolet Impala that Dean has loved. You appeard at the back, " Holy shit!? Stop scaring us like that, ( Short cut of your name or Nickname )! " Dean said as he drove, You nodded with a purr. He seemed to notice then snickered, " Uh-huh. What's the matter in Heaven? " He said whule starting a conversation, " Heaven is. Fine. " You said then you looked at the view, " What are you hunting for? " You asked then you looked at Sam, peacefully sleeping at the shotgun but Dean always caught your attention, " Like Cas huh? Staring at people sleeping? " He said with a chuckle that made your heart flutter, " Like Brother like Sister. " He linked with another chuckle, " Anyway I'm pretty hungry, Wanna come along? Sammy can stay here, After all he hasn't sleep for like an hour. " He said, You then nodded then teleported outside. Dean opened his door then walked beside you, " Anyway, Um what's up? " He asked as the both of you walked to a small restaurant,  " Heaven, Angels. The usual but in a normal answer, Nothing. " You answered then stared to him, looking at his mouth then back at his eyes, " What'cha staring at, buttercup? " He said as he looked at your light ( E/C ) that made you blush slightly, " I. . . Um. . .  You. . . " You whispered, He then snarled then walked closer to kiss your forehead, " Goddamn it, ( Y/N ), you are such a babe. " He said with a smile, " Um. . . Thank you, Dean.  " You said while blushing, " Anyway, what do you want? " He said as he opened the glass door then you entered, People around you was staring at you. Then you started to read there minds,

Who is that beautiful woman?

She is so adorable that I'd die for her

Oh my god, look at her clothes. So disgusting! Ew, Who would even wear a thing like that?

I want her hair color, It's so pretty

You blushed then Dean wrapped one arm around your shoulder, You looked at him then he smiled. " Anything you want? " He asked then you shook your head, He nodded then leaded you to a table. You followed him as shook the thoughts of other people, You looked at him as he looked around. You then heard a familiar voice, " Oh look at that, little sister with a Winchester. " The voice said then you looked at where the voice came to see Gabriel with a smirk, " Heya. " He said as he walked to your table to sit beside you, " Gabe! How is the others, I do bet they are fine. " You said as you stood up to hug him, Dean's mouth twitched in annoyance. He was supposed to make move but the doucheangel came to be such a cockblock, " Fine, Dad isn't back yet. " He said as he smirked at Dean, " Did you know that Dean-o over he-- ", " Um can I go to the bathroom with Gabe over here? " Dean said as he stood up to hold Gabe's collar then Gabe looked at you then shrugged.

Dean's P.O.V.

" What the fuck do you think you're doing!? " I hissed as I pinned him at the wall, " Am I being a cockblock or a douche? Nobody knows, expect you. " Gabe said with a smirk, " Shut up before I stab your ass. " I said, " Oh! Dean, such a kinky shit. " He said then banished, Now Time to go back to my angel.

Third Person's P.O.V.

As Dean walked back to ( Y/N ), He suddenly saw her eating his pie, " Hey there, angel. " He said as ( Y/N ) suddenly notices him, " Hello Dean. Where is Gabe? " She asked with her mouth slightly full, " Left. Needed to do things, Y'know. Hey, that's my pie! " He said with a smile, You slightly giggled then you ate the rest of the pie with no hesitation. After he ate what he ordered, the both of you drove home then You woke up Sam then made him a salad. When Sam researched all day then while Dean slept, you stared at him while he slept then he seemed to notice, " Seriously, Stop staring. I'm not sleeping beauty. " He said with a smile, While you stood there, He then stood up then pulled you to bed. When you were pulled you didn't do anything as he curled up with you by his side then he wrapped his arms around you. You were an angel, You never slept but when he fell asleep. You then turned around to stare at his facial features and everything.

I suppose Father created him very carefully.

// Cliffhanger, lovelies. ;)

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