Secret visits

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Fandom : Supernatural

Character : Crowley, The king of Hell


Reader's P.O.V.

You were the little sister of Dean and Sam, Typically Winchester. And you were one of them, You were training to be a hunter. Literally, You practiced the Salt 'n Burn. You did come with there hunts once but, you almost died. But who cares? You knew Dean and Sam kept resurrecting and you would too, typically a Winchester thing.

" You are not coming along to the hunt, " Dean said with his arms crossed, " Seriously, ( Y/N ), We care for you that's why were leaving you, It'll be just be about 3 days or more. " Sam said next, " So you're leaving me in the bunker? Alone? " You said slightly upset by there sayings, " I mean Even if I die, I'll resurrect because Damn, I'm a queen of hell? What no! I'm a damn Winchester and I have the rights to kick some evil ass, " You linked in a harsh tone, " Look, ( Y/N ), What if you die and you don't resurrect? " The emerald eyed hunter spoke in a soft tone, knowing that you were upset and you would rage quit while there gone, " I will! Even if I'm gone for while, I'd be back and you guys would know it was fake! Like Sherlock's death at the Reinchenbach Fall episode, " You said, " But ( Y/N ), Life isn't like um an episode! In here, if you die, You die. Neither you want it or not but Me and Dean isn't accepting that, " The hazel eyed hunter replied, " Fine, Leave me! It's not like I'll rebel out or anything, I'll just read. . . " You looked around and got a book at a random corner of the shelf, " This book! " You linked as you held it at there face, You stomped to your room with huffs and rage but you didn't rage quit, Oh no, Not anymore. You closed the door abruptly then threw yourself at the bed with a small " hmmph! " escaping your soft lips, You looked at the book, It was boring. This book doesn't even have words, You sigh and lay the book at your small desk. You just sat there, " Oh please,please, please. Let me come along, if not then send someone to entertain me! " You whined at the wall, until there was a guy in a suit appearing. You silently screeched then threw pillows at him, " Hello, Darling. " He said with a smirk then he snapped his fingers. The pillows vanish from your sight, You looked around then looked at his brown dark chocolate eyes that you are slowly admiring, " Uhhh Who are you? " You said slightly terrified, " Your brothers never talk about me? " He said, " I'm hurt, ( Y/N ), " He linked, " Oh uh Hi hurt. " You said awkwardly, " No! Bullocks! I'm Crowley, The king of hell, Love. " He said the first part as a embarrassment but he smirked after saying the last one, he was being smugly and it fitted him, " Crowrey? " You said confusedly with your eyes narrowed, you didn't hear it correctly, " Crowley, Darling, It's Crowley not Crowrey. " He said as he walked towards you, " Oh uh-huh, Anyway what are you doing here? " You asked patiently, " I'm the answer to your prayer, Love, " He said with a smugly smirk, " Um uh what? You like gonna do secret visits, " You said while giggling abit, " Uh-huh, something like that. " He said as he rolled his eyes, he then sat beside you, " Yes, something like that, love, " He said, " You know, you ain't half shitty as your soon to be a demon squirrel brother. " He said, " What? " You said, you didn't hear the last part and you were confused, You narrowed your eyes then Dean barged in. Crowley suddenly vanishes as Dean narrowed his eyes, " You still reading that book? " He said as he putted his hand on the doot frame with a smirk, " Uh yeah, Why? " You said as you looked at the book, " Talking with the book then? I mean I could let ya come along, Y'know. " He said with a excited smile, You thought for a moment. If I come along, will I see Crowley? If I didn't doesn't that mean I can know him better? You looked at the space at your wall, You looked at Dean then shook your head, " What? Why? I mean I know, Y'know you want to come, " Katniss ", We could go out for some fast food, My treat? " He said, " Oh, no no no. I mean I love the book, Just bring home some bacon cheese burger for me, No biggie. And let's not forget my pie, I'm fine here. I can survive, just with fast food and books. I'll live, let's not forge-- " He cuts you off, " Oxygen, I know. And were 'bout to leave, Just gon' leave money at the table, 'kay? " He said then you nodded, You stood up to hug them goodbye and a kiss in the cheek, after that you ran to your room to see Crowley sitting at the edge of your bed as he smiles at you, You closed the door then talked about random things. Everything Dean and Sam wouldn't let you come along, Crowley did some secret visits. You loved his secret visits, You loved him to bits.

" ( Y/N ), I have something to sau to you, love, " He said as 5 weeks passed, " Oh go ahead, Crowrey. " You said, You made Crowrey his nickname knowing that he was slightly annoyed but he was used to it easily, " Uh look, Sam, your moose brother gave me feelings. Meaning that I have normal feelings, and A king of the hell or a Demon isn't supposed to have a feeling, But look, What I'm trying to say it tha-- " You cutted him off with a soft, gentle but passionate kiss as you closed your eyes, He kissed back immediately but he was rough. You loved it, You started to wheeze. He then broke the kiss and pulled you to sit on his lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist and connected his forehead with yours then you stared at his dark chocolate brown eyes with you shimmering ( E/C ), He gave you a peck at the lips once again, " I have to admit, I wanted to do that since you whined for entertainment but believe me, I did not regret that I appeared for you, Love. " He smiled softly, Secret visits isn't that bad is it?

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