Soul Rings

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Tony's P.O.V.

Everyone gets their Soul Rings at a certain age. It's just the way society sees fit. Age 13 is when most get them. That's when I got mine.

Soul Rings are rings that tell you when your near your soulmate. The closer you are to them the hotter the ring gets and the further away, the colder.

Some ignore the rings and get together themselves, turning away their soulmate. Some obey the rings and stay with their soulmate, some even going all the way across the world to even find them. Usually when you find your soulmate you get rid of the ring or keep them together. If you wear them while right next to your soulmate you can burn yourself.

Me, on the other hand, mostly ignore it. I don't bother to find my soulmate. And I'm sure my soulmate doesn't care to find me, or they would've already. Of course, people have tried to say they're my soulmate but I know they're not, my ring doesn't get hot. I've had reporters, friends, and just random strangers ask me "Why do you even wear it?".

Good question. I wear it because... I'm not opposed to finding my soulmate. I just believe in finding them more... Naturally.

I know my soulmate lives close to me. Or at least in the same state. There has been times when my ring has almost burned me. I would look all around, but of course I was surrounded by people, unable to find them.

And, for now, I'm okay without a soulmate.

"Anything good on?" I ask Friday as I walk into the lounge room.

"There's news of a car crash sir. Someone famous." Friday says.

"Oh, let's put that on instead." I say as I sit down.

She changes the t.v. from whatever Clint, Peter and Sam were playing to the news.

"Hey, what gives?" Clint groans, I'm guessing he was about to win.

"Sorry, boss' orders." Friday says.

"Actually, Clint, this is interesting. He's a... Famous neurosurgeon." Nat says.

"Mm, so what? He's saved hundreds of lives? Try the whole world." Clint scoffs.

Peter shrugs, "Eh... I dunno. We can't exactly save people with brain tumors."

Clint chuckles and ruffles Pete's hair, "Guess your right."

He sits next to Nat, who's sat next to Steve, who's sat next to Bucky. On the other sofa is Thor, Bruce and Rhodey. Peter and Sam stay on the floor.

Thor and Bruce found out they were soulmates a couple months ago. They were on a mission together and Thor said he wanted to see who his soulmate was. So Bruce got him one and Thor tried it on. The second it was on his finger, his and Bruce's finger started burning. They put two and two together and found out what they were to eachother.

Same with Steve and Bucky. Except back in 19-whatever when Soul rings were first used, they found out about eachother. They kept it hidden though. They didn't want people knowing the Golden Child was gay.

Nat hasn't found anyone. Where she grew up, they didn't give them Soul Rings and even know she chooses to go without one. "They can find me, or I can live without one" is what she says. I think she knows we all know she doesn't really feel that way.

Clint of course has his wife, his soulmate.

Same with Rhodes.

I know Peter found his but he says he won't tell me because he thinks I'll dissaprove. He did tell me that his soulmate is a male, and his first name starts with W.

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