Sick Day

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Peter groaned, rolling over his bed and pulling the blankets over his head. After a long night of fighting nausea and not being able to breathe through his nose, Peter had only just gotten to sleep when his alarm went off for school.

May came in, curious as to why her nephew wasn't up and at em' like usual.


The teen simply groaned again, pulling his blanket back a bit to look at his aunt.


The tall woman sat on the edge of Peter's bed, pulling the blanket back a little further. The teen's cheeks were dusted in red, and his eyes were red and puffy. He sneezed, then sniffled, and May's heart melted for the boy.

"Oh, hun, you're burning up," she said, pressing her hand to the boy's sweaty forehead.

"I feel terrible," Peter whispered. If there was one thing he hated, it was being sick. The spider genes in the teen was a double edged sword; he was usually immune to seasonal colds and allergies, but when he did get sick, it was 10 times worse than it would have been before.

"Okay, you're staying home from school. I have to go in for work, babe, I already took off some days a few weeks ago to go to the Decathalon competition, yeah? Okay, I'll get you some medicine and-"

"No," Peter rasped. "No medicine." None of the medicine ever worked on Peter, it only made him sleepy for a while and then wore off.

"Oh, okay." May stood up and smoothed the blankets. "Do you want me to call Tony?"

"No, its okay," Peter said, not wanting to bother his mentor. "I'll be fine. Go."

May nodded, gave him a kiss, and headed out the door. When she was out of the building, she sent a quick text.

May: Hey, Tones. Peter is at home sick today. Said he didn't want me to call you, but I'm worried he might get worse, he has a fever and everything. Can you keep your phone on just in case he needs anything?

Tony: Poor kid. I'll give it an hour and then invite him over, that way he has someone watching him. Have a good day at work!

May smiled. Tony made raising a teen so much easier, and he really did care about Peter.


It took some time, but after a while, Tony had convinced Peter to come over even though he was sick. Happy had gone to get him, and was surprisingly sweet to the sick boy, making him put on a coat and bundle up in blankets before heading to the tower.

So there Peter was now, clad in his Ironman pajama pants (a gift from May as a joke), one of Tony's MIT sweaters, and wrapped in blankets. Tony and the teen had been cuddled up on the couch watching movies for the majority of the morning, Tony only moving twice, once when Peter fell asleep and his arm went numb, and the second time when he had to pee.

It was noon when FRIDAY pulled Tony and Peter away from A Good Day To Die Hard ("15% on Rotten Tomatoes means it's good, Tony, I swear").

"Sir, Pepper has asked me to remind you of a lab tour coming through in 20 minutes, as well as a small meeting with the San Francisco investors, and a Q&A scheduled for later."

Tony groaned. "Hey, Underoos, is it okay if I step out for a bit. We can pause this and finish it after a nap?"

Peter nodded. He'd already been nodding off anyways, so a nap wasn't far off regardless of Tony's schedule.

Tony got up, stretched, and headed to his bedroom to change out of the Spiderman pajamas (a gift from Pepper) he was lounging in. When he came back, he checked on Peter one last time. The teen was already conked out, and Tony smiled to himself softly. The older man crouched down, checking Peter's head. Tony smiled even bigger, happy that his kid was feeling better. He pulled out his phone, sending a quick text to May.

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