Tuesdays Are Never Good

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**Your typical field trip one shot, haha! I've literally had this sitting in my drafts for weeekkkkssss. I'm working on a project for someone for xmas and basically writing a story for them to have bound all professionally, my hands are killing me, I have finals this week, too. Send Help. I swear I am working on requests.  Anyways... Enjoy!**

Peter groaned as he finally rolled out of bed. After only 3 snoozes, he was up. If he didn't hurry, he'd be late to class. It was Tuesday, the worst day of the week, and he just wanted to get to Friday. Then he'd be off for spring break and he could actually get some sleep.

Grabbing his phone, the teen saw he already had messages from Ned.

You ready for the trip today?

Peter furrowed his brow for a second before remembering. The field trip! They were going to an air base today. Peter had toured a couple of the bases around New York with Rhodey and Carol before, but the likelihood of running into one of them was small.

The spiderling grabbed his jeans off his desk chair and threw them on, cringing at how cold they were. When he was all buttoned up and dressed, he headed into the bathroom to brush his teeth quickly.

"Peter, breakfast is on the table for you," FRIDAY said suddenly. "You're going to be late if you don't leave soon." The teen mumbled back, but his toothbrush got in the way.

Peter spit out the toothpaste in his mouth and wiped his mouth, then grabbed his bag off his desk and headed into the living room.

"Morning, hun," Pepper said, sipping her coffee and looking over some paperwork.

"Morning, Pep!" Peter shoved his toast in his mouth, and tried to run towards the elevator but Bucky grabbed him.

"Woah, kiddo, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why don't you sit down and finish that?"

Peter looked up at the man, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "I'm gonna be late," he whined. Slipping out of Bucky's arms, he ducked under the assassin's metal arm and was in the elevator before anyone could say anything else about it.

"See you later!"

The trip down the elevator was quick and before Peter knew it, he was walking down the main street, towards the subway station he took to get to school. It was pretty crowded this time of day. Busy business people bustled passed Peter, knocking their briefcases and shoulders into him. It was all part of the New York experience, though, so Peter didn't mind too much.

"Excuse me," a young woman said, jumping through the doors of the train at the last minute. Peter smiled kindly.

"No worries." They didn't say much to each other other than that, but Peter couldn't help but notice that she looked very familiar to him.

"You're Melanie, right?" the teen asked, and the young woman jumped a little.

"I am," she said slowly. "How do you know me?"

"You're my Uncle's Secretary. Coronal Rhodes."

"Peter!" the woman exclaimed. "It's been a while since I saw you, sorry that I didn't recognize you."

The teen shrugged. "It's fine, I understand. You meet a lot of people."

The two made chit-chat, swaying with the metro car as it turned through tunnels. Peter almost missed his stop because he was so engrossed in the conversation. He noticed at the last minute and jumped out of the quickly closing doors.

Midtown High was only a few blocks from the metro station, but the harsh wind and rain of October made it feel much longer. Peter jogged the entire way there.

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