Career Day

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Peter Parker hated parent events at school. Heritage Day, Career Day, hell, even the Science Fair was upsetting. It wasn't fun to be the only kid at school with no one to come.

The teachers were nice enough about it, though. Most of them knew that Peter only had his Aunt, and she worked everyday. There was no way she could get time off to go see Peter's science projects, or to walk around the school and talk about their heritage.

Don't misread the situation, though. May was the most caring woman in the world. She didn't get a lot of time to spend with Peter, but when she did, she made sure to ask about school projects, even the science-y coding ones she didn't understand.

Peter knew she was doing the best she could.

It didn't mean that parent events sucked any less, though. May knew that, so she tried her best to make things better, whether that meant signing Peter out of school for the day or letting Ned sleep over on school nights.

Sometimes, though, there was just no getting around it. Like today. May checked her watch anxiously. It was barely 6, Peter wouldn't even be up for school yet, but May was itching to text him. She felt so bad for the poor boy.

After a lot of heated phone calls to the school, she'd discovered that unless Peter could get a signed note from his primary care physician, he had missed too many days at school and couldn't miss anymore. That meant he would have to go on Career Day, when everyone's parents were invited to the school to explain their work, and for the kids to wander around and talk to different parents about what they did and to scout for internships.

Peter, who had no parents and a phenomenal "internship" already, was deeply upset that he had to go.

May checked her watch again. 6:03. He'd be up in a half hour, and then May would be off her break and Peter would have to go to school all alone.

Suddenly, May got an idea, and she pulled out her phone. She knew Peter and Tony were close, so it was worth a shot, she figured.

May: Tony, hey. Do you have time for a quick chat?

May set her phone back down, only for it to instantly start ringing. She grabbed at it, ignoring the other nurses' stares.

"Hey, May," Tony said on the other end, his sleepiness seeping through the phone. "What's up?"

"Hey, uhm, well..." May trailed off, feeling slightly self conscious.

"Spit it out, May, I haven't slept in 36 hours," Tony sighed. May rolled her eyes, knowing he could get like this when he was tired.

"Its Peter," the woman blurted out. Tony was quiet, silently waiting for more information. "His school hosts these parent day events, and usually I can sign him out, but he's been absent a lot so I can't get him out of this one. Its Career Day, so the kids can hear about different jobs and look for internships and all-"

Tony cut her off. "Pete has an internship, why does he need to go to this stupid thing in the first place?"

"No one at the school believes he's your intern, Tony. The school threatened to suspend him if he kept 'lying' about it, so I stepped in, but they said unless he had a note from his doctor, he had to come. I couldn't get the day off, so he's going to be all alone and-"

Again, Tony cut her off. "What time should I be there? I just cleared my day."

May breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much. It starts at 9:15, right after his first class. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Tony this means so much to me."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm always going to be there for our boy."

There was silence as both adults realized what the billionaire had just said.

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