Young Love

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**Request for tessalucy where Peter, the 13 year old biological son of Tony Stark, accompanies his dad on a trip to the Barton farm. When secret relationships are revealed, all hell breaks loose. Turns out, Clint Barton couldn't care less who his daughter dates, but Tony Stark is a protective father through and through. This one was so much fun and so sweet to write, I honestly loved it!! Thanks for the request!!**

"Do I have to go?" Peter whinned, stuffing his homework into a backpack and trudging after his father. They were leaving for a "work thing" and this was Peter's last-ditch effort to not go. He hated "work things". They were almost always meetings that dragged on too long, press conferences that were too loud and bright, or conferences with that angry man in the eye patch.

"I think you'll like this one, Pete," Tony said, putting some paperwork into a folder and sliding it neatly into his briefcase. "I have to go out to see Clint and drop off some paperwork. I thought you could get a tour of the farm, maybe touch a goat or something, I don't know."

Peter's cheeks were dusted pink as he thought of the farm. Lila was always talking about the farm, how she liked the little apple orchard by the backdoor, how she spent afternoons in the loft of the barn, reading to the animals.

"Oh," Peter said, trying to keep his somewhat surly attitude so his father wouldn't catch on. "I suppose that could be okay."

Tony chuckled. "Thought so."

The two were finally ready to go, so they headed down to the garage where Happy was waiting with the car. It was a quick drive to the airport, and then a short flight, only 2 hours, to the farm. Peter napped most of the drive to the airport, but worked on homework on the flight. If he could just get it all done now, he'd have nothing to do while at the farm, and he could spend the whole time with Lila.

"Peter," Tony interrupted his son just as he was finishing his math homework. "When we get to the farm, I don't want you running off too far. You're welcome to get a general tour and whatever and play, but I want you within earshot of the farm house. I don't want to have to come looking for you."

Peter nodded. That was how his father was: protective, worried, and prone to keeping Peter on a short leash. That's part of why Peter and Lila were keeping their relationship secret, actually. Whenever she would come to New York with her father, she and Peter would go up to Peter's room and talk and talk and talk. And then she went back to the farm, Peter and her would text and call and video chat every chance they could, which wasn't often because of Tony's bad habit of walking into Peter's room without knocking.

"I'll stay close," Peter muttered, hoping the barn was close enough to the house that he and Lila could hang out there, and talk in private, without disobeying Tony outright.

The rest of the plane ride went quickly enough. Peter finished his homework, and now being done and freed from it, he left his bag on the plane. It was a Stark plane anyways, so it wasn't like anyone else was going to be getting on.

Clint was waiting for the two when they got off the plane. Since the farm was in a secure, classified location, Clint was going to drive them in.

"How was the flight?" Clint asked, getting in the car.

"Pretty good," Tony said with a shrug, setting his briefcase in the car before climbing into the passenger seat. "Peter was working on homework the entire time."

Clint laughed, causing Peter to blush a little from the backseat. "At least he's done now. You and Lila can go run around the orchard and pick apples." Seeing Tony's face, Clint was quick to add "It's close to the house" and that made Tony relax.

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