Last Resort

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**Peter's family is out of town, and he needs help, so he has to call in the last resort. There's no preserving his identity now ;) Enjoy! Oh, also, this is a school setting with scary bad guys, and I know that's a sensitive topic.**

The hustle and bustle of school life were deafening to any normal person, making Peter's life hell within the halls of Midtown High. He hated the slamming of lockers, the shouting, the low conversations that blurred together to one huge crescendo of noise.

Ned could tell when Peter was getting overwhelmed from a mile away. It was in the way his mouth got drawn up in a tight line and how his eyes seemed to dart around the hall but never focused.

"You alright?"

Peter nodded, shoving headphones into his ears. It helped a lot to have something to block the noise, even if it was something as small as the Stark Headphones his dad had given him a few weeks ago.

"Have you studied for the chem test?" Ned asked in low tones.

Peter shrugged. He and Ned had been friends long enough to communicate in shrugs and facial expressions, which came in handy during times like these.

"I don't think it'll be too bad, I heard 4th period yesterday finished it early."

Peter nodded. "Sounds easy."

The two teens headed towards their next class, math. It was pretty advanced math, but the teacher was the oldest man on Earth and made the entire class dreadful. Peter dropped his bag on the floor by his desk, pulled out his notebook, and sat in his chair heavily.

"I hate this class," the teen mumbled. Ned laughed at that, pulling out his own chair and sitting down.

"At least you get things done, you're always working on blueprints and chemical stuff."

Peter hummed again. The bell rang obnoxiously, sending a piercing shock through the superhero's brain.


There were a few minutes when nothing happened. No teacher. Other students started to whisper and fidget. Mr. Wood was never late.

Peter took out one of his headphones and tilted his head. He was listening. There was short, muffled footsteps in the hall. Not a student. Not a teacher. Ned was staring at Peter intently, trying to pick up on the expression. Peter listened for any sign of who or what was there.


Peter's eyes betrayed the sudden wave of fear he felt. However muffled and quiet it was, Peter could still hear the tell-tale sound of a gun being loaded. Ned's own eyes widened as he saw Peter's clear fear.

"It's a-"

Peter was cut off by the sound of static and jarring noise as the PA came on. "All students to the auditorium. All students to the auditorium."

Peter and Ned shared an uneasy look. That wasn't the principal.

No one had heard what Peter had heard, no one knew what was going on. They all started to get up and put their things back in their bags, chatting about the assembly.

"I bet Wood is doing some weird thing with the assembly and forgot to tell us," one kid said to his friends, the group erupting into giggles.

Peter didn't know what to do. "Guys, the person on the PA didn't sound like the principal."

Everyone looked over at Peter, some scoffing and turning away, others just rolling their eyes.

"Shut up, Parker, it was probably just another teacher," Flash shouted from across the room.

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