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**Request for vee_danverseenqueen where Peter accidentally lets his super strength go in P.E. and his class finds out about his secret identity. Enjoy!!**

Twice a year, Midtown School of Science and Technology partook in a state-wide testing. There was a math section, and a writing section, and even a science section. Peter always scored top of the class in all of the tests. Well, all of the real tests. There was also a fitness test in P.E. class - running and push ups and weights - and in that one, Peter almost always came in dead last.

That is, until he got bit by that spider.

Ever since that day, Peter had been carefully keeping up his appearance as the school's weakest kid. He let Flash push him around, he feigned exhaustion from running a half-mile, and he never ever used his super strength. It was hard at times to not give into his instinct, especially when Peter trained with the Avengers twice a week, but he was used to the act by now.

"You ready for this?" Ned asked as he and Peter changed for gym class. There was a fitness test today, and Ned knew Peter had to be focused if he was going to successfully pull off his weakling act again.

"As ready as I ever am," Peter said with a shrug. "Come on, let's go get our asses handed to us."

The two teens headed out into the gym where the rest of the class was waiting. The coach was there, too, holding a bunch of papers.

"Alright!" The coach's voice echoed a little in the gym. "You all know the drill by now. Line up by alphabetical order when I call your name. When we get to you, you'll do the tests in order while I mark down your results. Capiche?"

The class chanted back a half-hearted agreement, then lined up as the coach called the names. Ned and Peter were unfortunately separated, and Peter was flanked by two of Flash's best friends. Flash was getting rowdy, too. From where he was near the end of the line, he was shouting at his friends up and down the line.

"You boys ready to see what a real badass can do? I'm going to break my record from last year."

The rest of his friends all laughed and cheered, but Peter just bit his lip. He could break Flash's record any day of the week, but he couldn't let it slip.

"I bet you're going to get a scholarship," one of Flash's goons said. Talk about pumping up an ego. "You should really be playing football."

Flash gave his buddies up and down the line a sly smirk, but Peter could see the self-importance.

"Who wants to make a bet that I beat the record with 3 seconds to spare?"

Peter couldn't help his little scoff.

"Oooh," Flash taunted, his focus now drawn to Peter. "Puny Parker thinks that's a challenge? You can't even make it around the gym without wheezing."

Peter bit his tongue and watched the kid in front of him start the tests. Flash kept up, though.

"You're nothing but a worthless little sweat-stain, Parker. Every year you want to act like you're so tough, but you can't beat me at running, you can't beat me with weights, you can't even do a pushup."

Peter had to physically dig his fingernails into his palms to not lash out. It wasn't like these insults were now - Flash wasn't smart enough to come up with new material - but they were hitting a little too close to home for Peter to handle. He'd been called names and teased for years. He'd even taken some teasing from the team when Mr. Stark first brought him around. He could still hear Natasha taunting him the first time he and she had ever sparred. She only did it to get him to not pull his punches, but-

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