Domestic Affairs pt. 2

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**By popular request, here's a pt. 2 for Domestic Affairs. I'm going to experiment with time skips, that way we can see the boys growing up with the Avengers and coming into their own. This is really about Peter and Harley up until the very end, I hope y'all enjoy it!**

The Avengers loved the boys so much it hurt. From the first steps stumbling through the living room, when Natasha caught Peter as he fell, to the first words Harley babbled out at Bruce one morning, they were there for all of it. They were as invested as Pepper and Tony. They were aunts and uncles.

At 5 years old, Peter and Harley were allowed to go to a public elementary school. Despite who they were, and who had raised them, everyone wanted to boor kids to be raised as 'normal' as possible. They wanted them to have friends and to play at recess and color.

That didn't mean the first day jitters were easy for anyone. Tony was unashamed to let a few tears slip as he hugged his two boys, and Natasha almost didn't let go of Peter's shoulders, while Clint wouldn't let Harley off his shoulders. If it wasn't clear before, it was now. Natasha was Peter's favorite, besides Tony, and Harley was enamored by Clint's stupid humor and silly pranks.

But eventually, the two boys had been separated from the family of superheroes and headed into the crowded and confusing school.

When Peter came home with a scraped knee, Tony had nearly gone bizzerk, threatening to storm the school before Pepper could calm him down.

"All better, маленький паук," Natasha said softly, smoothing a band aid over the boy's knee.

"Is got Dad on it!"

Natasha smiled. "Yup!"

Harley babbled on to Clint and Sam about his first day excitedly. It was clear even then that Harley and Peter weren't like one another. One was going to be popular, the other was going to be popular only for being such a loser.

~5 years later~

"I don't need to cut my hair," Harley said, pushing his mother's hand away from his face.

"But baby, I can't see your eyes!"

"I like it this way!"

The two bickered for a moment, Peter engaged in his book. Harley had been growing into his own ego for a while now, and Peter was pretty used to it by now. Every ounce of ego Harley had, he had taken it from Peter, who couldn't be more modest. He was bookish. He liked science and math. He tinkered with his dad in the labs.

Harley, on the other hand, played football and soccer. He made jokes in class, and despite being Peter's equal when it came to intelligence, he never pushed to go farther or entered the  optional science fairs.

"Peter," Pepper said exasperatedly. "Don't think your brother's hair is getting a little long?"

Peter looked up from his book, something his Uncle Bruce had written, and pursed his lips. "If he doesn't want to cut it, he shouldn't cut it?"

Harley crossed his mom and shot a look at his mom. "See? Peter is with me."

~5 years later~

Harley grabbed his coat and keys, heading to the elevator. "I'm going to pick up Sarah!" He hit the button, then pulled out his phone to text his girlfriend.

Tony hummed in reply, waving his hand at his son to get going. "Have fun!"

The ding of the elevator made Harley step forward, nearly knocking his brother down. "Sorry, Pete, I- Holy shit, what happened to your face?"

Peter's eyes, well, his eye that wasn't swollen, widened and he shook his head at his brother.

"What?" Tony called from the living room. "Is Peter home? What's wrong with his face?"

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