SHEILD Agents In Training (Important A/N at the end)

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**Request for tessalucy where the Barton Kids come to Peter's defense. This one was super fun, lol, I know the characters are a little OOC but I think it's cute and mostly fluffy and yeah. I have some other requests coming, too, I'm just a smidge slammed on catching up. Enjoy!**

Peter hated his life sometimes. It wasn't the near constant sleep deprivation or the school work or the amount of times he'd been shot or stabbed or kidnapped or nearly killed. No, it was the unfortunate way he seemed to find trouble wherever he could.

"Just kill me, Ned. Just do it now."

Ned just gave his friend a little giggle. "You're so dramatic."

"It's going to be the worst! It's going to be embarrassing and I'll be on edge all day! I already-"

Flash chose that moment to interrupt the two, pushing through them in the hall. The bully turned back over his shoulder to look at Peter. "Hey, Puny, I heard we're going to Stark Industries this week. Gonna get your buddy Tony Stark to come give us the tour himself? Or are you going to be sucking up to the security so they don't kick you out for spreading lies?"

Peter groaned again and Flash cackled. "You're going to be exposed to the whole school and I swear to God, Parker, I will never let you live it down." Flash took off down the hall, heading to his friends at the end of the hall.

Peter held out a hand as if to say see? to Ned. "I'm going to walk through the doors, Flash will say some bullshit, and Tony will be arrested for murdering a minor, okay?"

Ned just laughed again and headed to the buses.


The morning of the field trip came too quickly for Peter's liking. He had been so busy with projects - both Avengers related and Stark Industries related - to even notice the field trip coming up. As soon as Peter saw the line of buses at the front of the school, though, he remembered the field trip and began to panic. He scanned his class for Ned. As soon as he found him, Peter took off and ran to his friend.

"Ned! The field trip is today!"

Ned rolled his eyes. "Yeah, man, it's been coming all week. Did you forget?"

"I was super busy, okay?"

Ned just snorted at his friend. Their teachers called for them to get on the bus, so they boarded and took a seat near the back, as far away from Flash as they could get. MJ was sitting in the seat right in front of them, reading a book as always.

"Hey, MJ," Peter said as he passed her. She just held up her book.

The ride to the Tower was quick, but not quick enough for Peter's liking. Flash, despite sitting far off, had taken to throwing paper balls and pencils backwards at Peter's head. They finally pulled up in front of the Tower and Mr. Harrington stood up at the front of the bus and cleared his throat to get the student's attention.

"I want to see all of you on your best behavior," the teacher said, his gaze sweeping over everyone on the bus. "No funny business, no misbehaving, no lying." Harrington's eyes locked onto Peter, who huffed a little. It was no secret that Peter's internship was doubted at school, even by teachers.

The students filed out and into the lobby, the sun glinting off the tower and shining into people's eyes. Peter dragged his feet, dreading the moment he would go through those doors and into his doom.

The lobby was pretty dead. It was always pretty quite at this time of day, seeing as all the employees were in for the day and the only visitors they got would be business men and shareholders. There was an intern, one Peter didn't recognize, standing by the reception desk, though, and she smiled and gestured the class over. Harrington took the lead, strolling over to shake hands with the intern and introduce himself.

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