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**What? Bumble isn't dead and actually updating? I know I've been hella inactive, I have a ton going on rn and just can't sit down and write like I used to. But I'm back! This one is my own idea, imagine Peter is 27/28-ish. Enjoy!**

"Help," a little voice cried. Peter crept down the hall, zip zagging over the walls and ceiling to stay hidden in the shadows. The hall was abandoned, now, but you could never be sure with HYDRA.

Peter rounded the last corner, looking for the voice he kept hearing. There, at the end of the hall, Peter heard it again.

"Help, please!"


Peter paced in the med bay, wringing his hands. His untouched dinner, courtesy of Pepper, was sitting on the waiting room coffee table. He was just too worried to eat.

3 hours. That's how long he'd been sitting there, waiting to know how the little girl was.

Sure, he didn't know her, but he did know that HYDRA was ruthless, and that little girl had probably been through a lot. When Peter had gotten her out of that dirty cell, she'd clung to his neck, not even letting go when they got back onto the Quinjet. It was a struggle to even get her to let Bruce take a look, but eventually, with a lot of promises to stay right outside from Peter, she'd agreed to get checked out.

"Peter?" Bruce popped his head in. "We're all done and she's asking for you."

Peter rushed towards his uncle, eager to know how the toddler was doing. "How is she?"

"She was very weak, with signs of malnutrition and fatigue," Bruce started. "We don't know a ton about her, but from what she remembers, her parents were killed by HYDRA operatives and she was taken for biological testing."

Peter's face contorted with disgust and anger, but Bruce hurriedly corrected himself. "She was basically a blood bank, Peter, they didn't do anything to her. They just took blood when they needed it, stuff like that. She doesn't have powers."

Peter sighed in relief. "Can I see her?"

"Sure," Bruce said, leading his nephew down the hall. "She's in there."


A whole month had gone by, but Nina wasn't improving much. Nina was the little girl, of course. She actually didn't know her own name, and the team hadn't had much success in finding her records, so Peter got one of those baby naming books from the used book store down the street and helped the toddler pick out something she liked.

Nina meant little one or fire, and that seemed to fit the girl pretty well.

After some tests, and pure guesswork, they thought she might be about 3 or 4, but not much older.

Things had been going pretty smooth having Nina in the tower, but there were some challenges. For one, she refused to talk to anyone besides Bruce and Peter unless it was absolutely necessary. She wouldn't even let Dr. Cho check her out.

That, and the fact that she slept in Peter's room every night, was really starting to cause problems.

Pepper and Tony had both talked to Peter about it. If she kept this up, she'd have a harder time adjusting to an orphanage, and that would be an even bigger problem. Peter hated to admit it, but he winced whenever he heard that word. Orphanage. It sounded so cold.


"Peter," MJ gasped when she walked into the office. "You look terrible."

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