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**Weird idea I had from a Tumblr post and it turned into this! I'm a sucker for soft!Loki. Enjoy!**

Loki sat on the bed, his eyes wide and blank. He could just barely make out the conversation happening in the other room. Yelling, actually. Not much conversation.

The villain hung his head, trying desperately to remember what happened. How did he get here? How did he end up in this beautiful tower? How did he know these people? Why were they all so angry?

"-can't just pretend it never-"

"-he doesn't-"

"I don't give a shit if he doesn't-"

"We should have-"

Words kept coming through the walls, just the ones yelled the loudest. The short man, the one with the iron suit and the dark hair, he seemed the most angry. The rest of them- the tall blonde, the man with the metal arm, the red head, the archer, the man in bird wings, and the man with the hammer- they all seemed a little less angry, but they were still upset. They yelled just ass loud as the other man, the shorter one.

Loki ran a couple of rough hands through his long, black hair. Pulling the long locks behind his head and over his right shoulder, the man closed his eyes and winced as his head throbbed painfully.

He must have gotten really clobbered, eh?

"Mr. Loki, sir?"

The god looked up to the source of the voice. There, peeking through the door, was a kid. A teenager.

"I wanted to come give you some water and apple slices, but Mr. Stark said it was too dangerous, but I just thought-"

The teen kept talking. There was a small smile on the man's lips, light twinkling in his eyes.


Peter looked up at the man, his eyes wide and questioning. He quickly checked over his shoulder, then stepped into the room fully and shut the door as quietly as possible. He had a cup of water, and a little plate of apples. He brought them over to the bed, setting them down next to the god, and then took a seat on the floor, criss-cross applesauce.

After a moment of silence, and a couple of apples, the god looked over at the boy, who was looking up at him.

"Can I ask you something?" Loki nodded, and Peter continued. "Do you remember anything about what happened?"

Loki shook his head slowly, his eyes never leaving the teen's. "The last thing I remember is waking up in this room, the man with the metal arm in the corner, and then everyone else freaking out."

"Heh," the brunet chuckled. "I never thought you might not know everyone's names anymore. Would you like a refresher course?"

The god nodded, and Peter pulled out his phone. After clicking around for a second, he pulled up a picture of everyone, and pointed them all out.

"That one there, the one with the metal arm you saw when you woke up? That's Bucky. And next to him is Steve, then Sam, Wanda, Natasha, and Clint. Over here is Rhodey, and here's Bruce. That's Pepper, she's the mom of the group, and there, next to me, is Mr. Stark."

The god smiled along, taking a good look at each of the faces. He wanted to remember the names and the faces. These people saved him after all! At least... he thought...

"And you?"

The teen looked up, startled.


"Peter. What exactly happened? I've been trying to piece it together, but I just can't remember and I-"

The man cut off, seeing conflict come over Peter's face. "No?"

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