Call of Duty

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**Request by galaxy_404. Post-Endgame, which is EXTREMELY out of my comfort zone, since I'm pretending everyone is still alive and happy! Right? Right! Okay, moving on, I hope its what you had in mind! Heads up, it's sooooo long, and I'm not very well-versed on what SHEILD agents 'do', but I hope I did alright. Enjoy!**

Peter sat in his office, doodling a new idea on a pad of paper. Though he really should be in college now, he'd been asked by Pepper to come work at SI, essentially picking up where Tony had left off.

Tony. Peter wouldn't lie, he still missed his father-figure every day. The pang of sadness that hit him was nearly unbearable, and it came at the most random times, like when ordering Chinese food, watching television, hell, even FRIDAY's voice made Peter remember the first time he'd ever come to the Tower with the man.


"Come on, kid, we should really get out of the car now," Tony said, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder. They'd been parked outside of the Tower for at least 5 minutes now, Peter simply staring out the window with awe and wonder the entire time. Peter nodded dumbly, then climbed out of the car.

"Welcome home, Boss." FRIDAY's voice rang through the lobby when they two entered, and Peter jumped. Tony, however, just kept walking.

"Thanks, FRI. Where is the love of my life?"

"Ms. Potts is in her office, working on paperwork. You have a few hours free before you are to meet her in the penthouse for dinner. May I ask who your guest is?"

Tony turned, looking for Peter, only to find that the young man was stopped at the doors of the lobby. "Kid?"

"Yeah, yeah... sorry." Peter ran forward, catching up to the billionaire.

"FRIDAY, this is Peter. Please open a new contact file and add him to the database. Peter here will be given full access of the Tower. Give him the same clearance Pepper and I have." Peter starred up at his mentor in shock.

"Mister Stark, I couldn't possibly-"

"It's already done, Underoos. Don't make me regret it." Tony gestured for the teen to keep following, and Peter happily obliged.

"I won't, promise."

The two stepped into the elevator and the doors closed. Peter looked around for the buttons, but there were none.

"Wanna do the honors?" Tony wiggled his eyebrows and pointed to the ceiling.

"FRIDAY, the penthouse, please."

"Of course, Peter. Enjoy the ride."


Even now, FRIDAY's voice reminded the boy, quite a few years older now, of his late-mentor. The man who had changed his life.

Peter shook his head, clearing it of those dreaded thoughts, the ones causing tears to spring to his eyes.

"He wouldn't want this," Peter whispered to himself. It was something Pepper had told him about a year ago, when she had caught the boy crying over a picture of himself and Tony wearing matching AC/DC shirts outside of the zoo.

"He wouldn't want this," the red-head had soothed, carding her fingers through Peter's curls. "Don't you remember how he used to worry about you? How he used to cry whenever you did? He wouldn't want you to cry like this."

Peter reminded himself of that a lot.

Ned, as if sensing it was a bad time to interrupt his friend, knocked on the door, then poked his head in. "Hey, Pete, I wanted to talk to you. You good?"

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