Don't Mess With Starks

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"Peter," Harley called up the stairs. "Time to gooooo!"

Peter grabbed his sweatshirt off his bed, searching for his keys frantically. "One second!"

"If you're late, she'll panic and call Mom and Dad!"

"She doesn't have a cell phone, dude." Peter was ransacking his room, looking for the missing keys when he finally spotted them. The teen grabbed them triumphantly, then dashed out the door and slid down the handrail of the stairs.

"See ya in a bit!" Harley yelled after his little brother, but it was already too late, and the younger teen was out the door.

It'd been like this everyday for the last week. Tony and Pepper had been called on important business out of town, so Harley and Peter were looking after their little sister, Morgan, until their parents got back.

Peter sped down the highway, merging between lanes and hurrying though traffic. Harley was right, he was cutting it pretty close and the last thing he needed was his 7 year old sister to panic and have the office call his parents. He'd never hear the end of it if Tony and Pepper thought he wasn't up to watching Morgan for a few days.

The teen finally pulled up to the school and hopped out of the car, happy to see that the kids hadn't been let out yet. He made it with a minute to spare.

A familiar sound of a school bell rang through the school, echoing out into the pick up area, and Peter subconsciously smiled. He loved hanging out with his little sister more than anything, and he was always excited to pick her up from school.

A tidal wave of kids came crashing out of the school, and the brunet craned his neck to look for his little sister. There was no sign of her and Peter started to get antsy, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Screw it," the teen muttered, beeping the car and hurrying past parents to get to the front doors. He rounded the corner, heading down the hall to where Morgan's class was. He pushed open the doors, only to find the room empty.

"Oh, Peter! Nice to see you, did you need something?" The teacher, Mr. Micheals, said.

"Morgan didn't come out, I was just wondering if she was still in here."

The teacher shook his head. "Try the playground, sometimes the kids go out that way after school and go around the back of the school up to the pick up area."

Peter nodded and thanked the teacher, then sped out the door, running own the hall.

Morgan loved when Peter and Harley picked her up, so for her to be late was really weird. On top of that, Peter only knew of one reason he's ever been late coming home, and that was Flash. Worried thoughts of possible bullying flashed through Peter's head, even though he kept trying to push them out of his head.

She's probably fine, just playing, Peter thought, pushing open the playground doors.

The bark-chip area was nearly completely empty, save 4 or 5 kids behind the play structures. Peter's super hearing picked up what was being said almost immediately, and his blood began to boil instantly.

"Cry baby! Cry baby!" There was a circle of kids standing around one bigger kid, who was pushing another down, each one chanting 'cry baby'.

The bigger kid, clearly the ringleader, was clearly harassing the other kid, the one on the ground.

"Baby Morgan, always crying in class! She's just a stupid, ugly baby!"

That was all it took for Peter to take off, running across the playground and leaping over the slide to get to the kids.

"Hey!" At the teen's shout, the group of kids broke apart, letting Peter into their circle. The ringleader held his ground, crossing his arms stoically. Peter shoved him back, not caring if he was pushing a child or not.

"Morgan, are you okay?" Morgan whimpered a little. When Peter moved to pick her up, she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, and Peter noticed she had some scrapes on her knees from being pushed down. Once the little girl was tucked into Peter's arms safely, he rounded on the other kids. "What is going on here?"

"Nothing, just goofing around," one of the kids said, shuffling his feet nervously.

"Obviously not. What're your boys' names?"

None of the kids said anything and Peter took a threatening step forward. "I asked you all a question, I want an answer. Either you can tell me, or the principal can."

"Thomas Kelly."

"Joshua Cho."

"Brandon Baxter."

Peter nodded along as each of the boys told him their names. He looked to the ring leader with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an answer. The other boys shifted uncomfortably, and Peter could tell they were all clearly uncomfortable and anxious, and their leader's difiance wasn't making things any better.


"Taylor Thompson, but everyone calls me Dash." Peter rolled his eyes. Clearly this idiot belongs to Flash's family, it was probably where he got the dumb nickname in the first place.

"Get going," the teen said, tossing his head to the side. The 4 boys didn't need to be told twice.

Peter hitched Morgan up a bit, readjusting her in his arms. "Morgan, can you tell me what happened?"

The little girl shook her head no.

"You can tell me now, or you can tell Harley and I both when we get home, or I can call Mommy and Daddy. Your choice."

The little girl thought about her options, then quietly whispered in Peter's ear as he carried her out to the car.

"Dash is mean to me. He says I'm dumb and stupid because I don't read chapter books as fast as he does, and he says I'm a cry baby. Sometimes he pushes me down when we play outside."

Peter sighed. "Okay, hun, it's going to be okay. You should have told someone about this earlier, because it's never okay for someone to be mean to you. All the things he says aren't true, you are so smart! And not at all a cry baby. You're always really strong when Dad goes away for a long time, and you help me and Harley with our projects all the time."

Mogan nodded a little, letting Peter buckle her into her car seat. "Let's go home. Our big brother is making pasta for dinner!"

The two drove home listening to Disney music and singing along. Morgan certainly felt a lot better having told Peter what was happening, and no one ever bothered her again. Maybe it was the fact that Peter can be pretty intimidating when you mess with him. Maybe it was the personal home visit Dash got from Spiderman, an Iron Suit, and an angry 18 year old with a potato gun later that night.

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